Meet the Daily Nous Cartoonists!

Meet the Daily Nous Cartoonists!

I am very excited to announce that Daily Nous will soon have its own comic strips!

The call for cartoonists generated so many good submissions that I couldn’t pick just one of them—instead, there will be four. Each of the four strips will appear one at a time, on Tuesdays or Thursdays, every other week. The artists (and their strips) are Rachel Katler (Ad Hoc), Tanya Kostochka (To φ Or Not To φ), Ryan Lake (Chaospet), and Pete Mandik (Mind Chunks). They each have their own distinctive artistic and comic styles, as you’ll see.

Learn a little about the artists:


Rachel Katler
Ad Hoc

Katler portrait

Rachel recently finished her MA in philosophy at Brandeis University.  Her philosophical interests include epistemology and the philosophy of perception and she is particularly interested in what we can learn from studying senses other than human vision.  Drawing comics is a great way of merging her interest in philosophy with her interest in doodling in the margins of journal articles.

hex o sketch


Tanya Kostochka
To φ Or Not To φ

Kostochka portrait

Tanya is a philosophy PhD student at the University of Southern California. Her primary research interests are in moral psychology and she has a strong secondary interest in Buddhist philosophy. Her experience with art began in college, where she used to sneak into classrooms an hour early, make class-related chalk drawings, and—during class—pretend she had no idea who did it. (@TanyaKostochka)

hex o sketch


Ryan Lake

Lake portrait

Ryan has a PhD in Philosophy, and all the wealth, power, and glamour that goes with it. He did his graduate work at the University of Miami, and is currently a Lecturer at Clemson University. His work is focused primarily on issues related to free will and moral responsibility. (@chaospet)

hex o sketch


Pete Mandik
Mind Chunks

Mandik portrait

Pete Mandik is a professor of philosophy at William Paterson University in New Jersey. He is author of This Is Philosophy of Mind and co-host of the podcast, SpaceTimeMind. He notes that the above portrait is not drawn to scale.  (@petemandik)


The comic strips will be starting up towards the end of the month. In the meanwhile, I have to get back to finding a bassoonist for the Daily Nous Orchestra.

Daily Nous Comic Strip Artists

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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Bill D
Bill D
6 years ago

Are guidance counsels at HS aware of this Career field?