Valparaiso to Eliminate Philosophy Program

Students at Valparaiso University will no longer be able to choose philosophy as a major or minor, according to a plan announced by the school’s president, José Padilla.

The philosophy major and minor are two of several programs being cut. According to the NWI Times, the cuts are a response to decreased student enrollment at the Christian university.

The philosophy programs at Valparaiso are currently housed in the Philosophy and Theology Department.

Meanwhile, according to the Chicago Tribune, “over the next year, the faculty and the provost’s office will develop a new major and required courses in the field of religion.”

The university says that “the freedom to pursue truth wherever it leads is at the heart of Valpo’s sense of community” and that “the university aims to foster in its students a lifelong commitment to this search for truth, encouraging the development of a sense of personal vocation as well as the intellectual and professional skills needed to pursue it.” How that aim is better achieved by the elimination of the very programs of study dedicated to it is unclear.

(via Joel Pust)

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Dr. Leigh M. Johnson
4 hours ago

Terminated faculty at VU should feel free to contact me ([email protected]) for resources/advice.