
Recent additions to the Heap…

  1. “The fundamental ethical issue of human spaceflight is about honesty” — and it arises in questions about space exploration concerning purpose, governance, courage, and more, says Philip Ball
  2. “Why is it necessary to recognize elephant rights? Why not simply rely on existing welfare protections to prevent cruelty?” — these and related questions are taken up by Jeff Sebo (NYU) in the Los Angeles Times
  3. “This is one of those philosophical positions that represent the triumph of theoretical commitment over common sense – or, as Aristotle put it, the desire to maintain a thesis at all costs” — Thomas Nagel on Daniel Dennett
  4. Bayesian Injustice: “a pervasive, problematic, but individually rational type of bias” — Kevin Dorst (MIT) and Bernhard Salow (Oxford) explain, and consider ways to better fulfill our “zetetic duties”
  5. “The museum disputed that the larger-than-life statue, which investigators believe depicts the great Roman statesman Marcus Aurelius, was even from Turkey and suggested that it was really the torso of a philosopher, not an emperor.” Ummm. — on a legal dispute over the ownership of a statue
  6. “A concern with consequences need not undermine a concern for truth” — What is applied philosophy supposed to do? Thoughts from Polly Mitchell (KCL), Alan Cribb (Victoria), & Vikki Entwistle (Aberdeen)
  7. What may Israel do? — an attempt to chart a moral course for Israel’s response to the attack by Hamas, from David Enoch and Barak Medina (Hebrew U.)

Discussion welcome.

Mini-Heap posts usually appear when 7 or so new items accumulate in the Heap of Links, a collection of items from around the web that may be of interest to philosophers.

The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap. Thank you.

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