Recent NEH Grants Awarded to Philosophers (updated)

The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) recently announced the projects they will be funding, and the winners include several philosophy faculty.

They and their projects are:

Amy Berg (Oberlin College and Conservatory)
Living a Well-Rounded Life
Research and writing one chapter of a philosophical book on the ethics of a well-rounded life
($6,000 / Summer Stipend)

Mavis Biss (Loyola University Maryland)
What Is Moral Striving?
Research and writing of two chapters of a philosophical book on the Kantian ethics of moral self-perfection.
($6,000 / Summer Stipend)

Ray Briggs (Stanford University)
Wise Women: A Philosophy Talk Series on Female Philosophers Through the Ages
Production of 16 episodes of the radio and podcast series “Philosophy Talk,” about women in philosophy from antiquity to the twentieth century.
($245,420 / Media Projects Production)

Daniel Collette (Marquette University)
The Philosophical Writings of Blaise and Jacqueline Pascal
Research and writing of an introduction and annotations for a translation of the writings of philosophers and siblings Blaise Pascal (1623–1662) and Jacqueline Pascal (1625–1661).
($6000 / Summer Stipend)

Kendy Hess, Karen Teitel (College of the Holy Cross)
The Interdisciplinary Minor in Ethics, Society, and the Institution of Business
A two-year project to create a minor in ethics, society, and the institution of business
($140,230 / Humanities Connections Implementation)

R. Jordan Lavender (Purdue University)
Identifying an Unknown Work by the Theologian and Philosopher John Wyclif
Research and writing an article that will establish the authorship by John Wyclif (c. 1330–1384) for a previously unknown and unsigned early work.
($6,000 / Summer Stipend)

Dale Snow (Loyola University Maryland)
Translation of F.W.J. Schelling’s System of Philosophy in General and of the Philosophy of Nature in Particular
Research and writing of a sample translation of System of Philosophy in General (1804) by German philosopher F.W.J. Schelling (1774–1854).
($6,000 / Summer Stipend)

Laura Specker Sullivan (Fordham University)
Climates of Distrust
Research and writing two chapters of a philosophical book on social theories of trust.
($6,000 / Summer Stipends)

Julie Tannenbaum (Pomona College)
Rethinking Consent and Responsibility for Unwanted Sex
Research and writing one chapter of a book in practical ethics on the moral responsibility of sexual interactions.
($6,000 / Summer Stipends)

Harald Thorsrud, Lara Denis, Carlee Bishop, James Wiseman (Agnes Scott College)
Exploring the Ethics of the Digital Transformation
A one-year project to plan a new minor in humanities and data, incorporating content from philosophy and data science.
($34,971 / Humanities Connections Planning)

Joseph Vukov (Loyola University Chicago)
Humanizing STEM Education: Navigating Future Challenges ThroughIntegrated Instruction
Implementation of a three-year curricular revision project to develop an interdisciplinary and experiential model for the general education curriculum.
($149,363 / Humanities Connections Implementation)


The NEH awarded a total of $35.63 million in grants to 258 projects. Philosophy’s share of that was $462,621 in grants to 10 projects, or about 1.3% of the total funds for about 3.88% of the funded projects.

Other funded projects of possible interest to the philosophy-oriented folks here include:

Hannah Arendt: Thinking Is Dangerous
A documentary about the political philosopher Hannah Arendt (1906–75).
Jeffrey Bieber (Center for Independent Documentary, Inc.)
($699,598 / Media Projects Production)

W.E.B. DuBois
Production of a 90-minute film exploring the life and legacy of African American intellectual W.E.B. DuBois (1868–1963).
Rita Coburn (Center for Independent Documentary, Inc.)
($700,000 / Media Projects Production)

Perseus on the Web: Preparing for the Next Thirty Years
A project to expand data related to Greek and Latin sources that is part of the Perseus Digital Library, the largest online open-access reference collection of Greco-Roman culture and language.
Gregory Crane (Tufts University)
($348,881 / Humanities Collections and Reference Resources)

You can see the full list of winners here.

UPDATE (4/24/23): Joseph Vukov’s project was mistakenly not included in the original version of this post. It has now been added.

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