Online Philosophy Resources Weekly Update

The weekly report on new and revised entries at online philosophy resources and new reviews of philosophy books…



  1. Fakhr al-Din al-Razi by Peter Adamson and Fedor Benevich.


  1. Instrumental Rationality by Niko Kolodny and John Brunero.
  2. Computing and Moral Responsibility by Merel Noorman.
  3. Mental Causation by David Robb, John Heil, and Sophie Gibb.
  4. Justice and Bad Luck by Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen.
  5. Plato’s Ethics: An Overview by Dorothea Frede and Mi-Kyoung Lee.
  6. Neutral Monism by Leopold Stubenberg and Donovan Wishon.
  7. Set Theory by Joan Bagaria.
  8. The Philosophy of Childhood by Gareth Matthews and Amy Mullin.
  9. Cognitive Science by Paul Thagard.

IEP     ∅


  1. Johann Friedrich Herbart: The Grandfather of Analytic Philosophy by Frederick C. Beiser is reviewed by David Sullivan.
  2. The Notions of George Berkeley: Self, Substance, Unity and Power by James Hill is reviewed by Genevieve Migely.
  3. A Plea for Natural Philosophy: And Other Essays by Penelope Maddy is reviewed by Gary Hatfield.
  4. Lire le Matérialisme by Charles T. Wolfe is reviewed by Ruth Edith Hagengruber.

Recent Philosophy Book Reviews in Non-Academic Media

  1. The Struggle for Decent Politics by Michael Walzer is reviewed by James Traub at The New York Times.
  2. Imagining the End by Jonathan Lear is reviewed by Paul J. Griffiths at Commonweal Magazine.
  3. This Beauty: A Philosophy of Being Alive by Nick Riggle is reviewed by Ryan Kemp at The Hedgehog Review.

Open-Access Book Reviews in Academic Philosophy Journals

To have book reviews from your journal included in this section, see the instructions here.

Compiled by Michael Glawson

BONUS: Well it’s still something…

Thinker Analytix

The Hedgehog Review
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