Kraus from Notre Dame to Johns Hopkins

Katharina Kraus, previously associate professor of philosophy at the University of Notre Dame, is now, as of this term, associate professor of philosophy at Johns Hopkins University.

Professor Kraus works in the history of modern philosophy, especially Kant. She is the author of Kant on Self-Knowledge and Self-Formation: The Nature of Inner Experience (2020), along with several other works. You can browse her writings here and here.

(via Steven Gross)

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1 year ago

Kant on Self-Knowledge and Self-Formation is well worth the read! Good for JHU.

James Cummings
1 year ago

Congratulations to Dr. Kraus on a fine opportunity. JHU is so wildly counterentropic at this point that anything is possible.

Also major thanks to Dr. Kraus for publishing her book, which takes an interesting shape and also provides a major convenience to some of us.

Looking to move
Looking to move
1 year ago

Could anyone explain how these senior hires or lateral moves work?

Most or all these positions don’t look to be advertised. Does that mean the senior candidate had inquired about such a move, or do universities recruit senior faculty in secret (is that even allowed or legal?), or do universities use headhunter services, or all of the above? What’s the typical route?

Are there special considerations that senior candidates or hiring universities should be aware of? How likely would a US or UK university hire a senior academic from other countries? Any advice would be appreciated, thanks.

Reply to  Looking to move
1 year ago

The JH job was advertised on Phil jobs:
I think this is the most common way senior and lateral moves work. Most have to be advertised. Of course, this doesn’t stop people from encouraging particular people to apply.