Summer 2023 Programs in Philosophy for Graduate Students and/or PhDs

Please use the comments section on this post to share information about 2023 Summer Programs in Philosophy for graduate students (postgraduates) and/or philosophy PhDs.

If you are organizing such a program, please add a comment to this post that includes:
– program name
– dates
– location (is it currently planned as an online event, physical event, physical event with some online participation, physical event with an online contingency plan?)
– contact information
– application deadline
– a description of the program
– link to further information

Here’s an example:

Journal of the History of Philosophy Summer Seminar: “Ancient Origins of Renaissance and Early Modern Feminism”
Dates: May 15 – May 19, 2023
Location: McGill University, Montreal
Contact: Prof. Mariska Leunissen ([email protected])
Deadline: February 15, 2023
Description: Mindful of the challenges facing young scholars working in the history of philosophy, the Board of Directors of the Journal of the History of Philosophy has established a Summer Seminar in the History of Philosophy. The central idea of the program is that a senior scholar who works primarily in some area of the history of philosophy would undertake to direct an intensive week of summer classes for the benefit of a small group of recent PhDs whose main research and teaching are in the relevant area. Normally, the classes will focus on one or more texts that are typically not part of material that the participants would have studied as graduate students. The goal of the program is the enhancement of the expertise and understanding of the young scholars in their area of specialization. The JHP will select up to six individuals from among those who apply to participate in five days of intense classes on the announced subject. All travel and housing and food for the duration of the classes will be paid by the JHP up to $1,750.
The topic for the upcoming summer program is “Ancient Origins of Renaissance and Early Modern Feminism.” The history of feminist philosophy often begins in the late 17th century, neglecting important earlier works. This seminar will focus on a feminist work from 1601, Lucrezia Marinella’s La nobiltà et l’eccellenza delle donne co’ diffetti et mancamenti de gli uomini (The Nobility and Excellence of Women and the Defects and Vices of Men), with two aims in mind. The first is to consider the ancient sources of Marinella’s arguments, and their transmission and transformation in Renaissance and early modern pro-woman works. The second is to consider how the concepts that emerged from this reworking of ancient sources, e.g. dignity, rationality, liberty, body, virtue, were foundational to later feminist projects.  A third aim is methodological: to explore research (and teaching) with non-academic works and genres usually excluded from philosophy. This seminar will be useful to those interested in the history of feminist philosophy, in the reception of ancient philosophy in the Renaissance, and in the development of egalitarian concepts. The readings will be available in English, but any knowledge of Italian, Greek, or Latin will be helpful.
Further information:

Summer 2023 Programs for Undergraduates
Summer 2023 Programs for High School Students

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John Basl
1 year ago

Summer Training Program to Expand the AI and Data Ethics Research Community
Dates: early June through mid-August
Location: Boston
Contact information: John Basl [email protected]
Application Deadline: January 10th
This summer school is intended for graduate students with advanced training in applied ethics, ethical theory, philosophy of science, or other areas with potential research applications to AI and big data who would like to develop research capacities in the ethics of artificial intelligence (AI), data ethics, and the philosophy of technology. Designing AI and machine learning systems to promote human flourishing in just and sustainable ways will require a robust and diverse AI and data ethics research community. However, there are few graduate programs that train students in these areas. The aim of this summer long, in person training program is to supplement resources in students’ home universities with ethical and technical skills necessary to research in this area.


Christian Panzer
1 year ago

Oxford Global Priorities FellowshipDates: 12 June – 7 July 2023
Location: Oxford, UK
Contact information: Christian Panzer (gpi-office @
Application deadline: 15 January 2023 (midnight UK time)
Description: The fellowship aims to support graduate students (Master and PhD) and early-career post-doctoral researchers in philosophy and economics in contributing to global priorities research, with a particular focus on issues of relevance to improving the well-being of future generations over the very long term.

Fellows will participate in the Global Priorities Fellowship Programme. The programme takes place in Oxford for four weeks in the summer of 2023 (12 June – 7 July) and participants will have the opportunity to develop a new research project under the guidance of a supervisor and to learn more about global priorities research in the course of developing their project. Each participant will focus on developing a research proposal, outlining a plan for a research project on a topic of central importance to the question of how to do good effectively. Topics for these research projects may be taken from the Global Priorities Institute’s (GPI) research agenda, although participants are also encouraged to pursue other projects that are consistent with GPI’s vision and mission.

The programme will end with a workshop at which participants present these proposals to one another and receive feedback on their plans. Participants are encouraged to continue their proposed course of research following the programme’s end and to meet with their supervisor sometime during the course of the next year. Participants who complete their research project or a closely related research project inspired by their experience in the programme will have the opportunity to present their research at GPI’s June workshop the following year. A prize will be awarded for the best such paper. All participants will be invited to a reunion event to coincide with the June workshop in the following year. This will give participants a chance to reconnect with GPI staff and their Fellowship cohort, see and discuss the research that has been done over the past year, and meet the next Oxford Global Priorities Fellows cohort.

Unless they are no longer pursuing graduate study, all fellows will also receive a stipend of GBP 5,000.
Further information:

Avi Sommer
1 year ago

God and Fine Tuning
Dates: July 3 – July 21, 2023
Location: Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Contact: Avi Sommer email: rcpr (at) philosophy (dot) rutgers (dot) edu
Deadline: January 1, 2023
Description: Rutgers Center for Philosophy of Religion is hosting a three-week summer seminar, Fine-tuning Arguments and their Theological Presuppositions. It will focus on three kinds of fine-tuning argument, featuring some of their primary advocates and best critics. Thoughtful physicists find themselves astonished by the fact that the initial conditions, cosmological constant, and certain other features of our universe had to satisfy narrow constraints if anything interesting was to emerge from the big bang. Some are led to posit a multiverse, and a few engage in theological speculation. Here, philosophers and theologians can help, by introducing some sophistication in the use of Bayesian probabilistic reasoning and in the appeal to divine reasons and action. To usefully contribute to such discussions, philosophers and theologians must have a basic understanding of the physical theories that drive such thinking — something this summer school will provide. It will bring together some of the best scientists defending fine-tuning arguments — Luke Barnes (Western Sydney University), cosmologist and co-author of A Fortunate Universe (Cambridge, 2016), and Aron Wall (Cambridge), high-energy physicist — as well as philosophers of science critical of fine-tuning arguments, such as Barry Loewer (Rutgers), Neil Manson (U. of Miss.), and Hans Halvorson (Princeton). The seminar will also feature numerous philosophers with expertise in the kind of Bayesian reasoning appealed to in fine-tuning arguments; and philosophers of religion prepared to reflect upon the kind of God posited by those who appeal to fine-tuning.
The three varieties of fine-tuning argument that will be represented are: (i) Luke Barnes’s description of the way in which the tiniest differences in quark masses, basic forces, and the cosmological constant would have made a cosmos with large scale structure impossible; (ii) the joint work of Aron Wall, John Hawthorne, and Yoaav Isaacs (to appear in a forthcoming co-authored book) in which high-energy physics is used to look beneath the apparent fine-tuning pointed out by Barnes and other cosmologists; and (iii) Robin Collins’s appeal to fine-tuning for discoverability.
The seminar will conclude with presentations by participants. They will receive helpful feedback from one another and from a panel of experts on philosophy of physics (Aron Wall, Luke Barnes, Hans Halvorson, Robin Collins, and Elizabeth Miller), formal/Bayesian epistemology (Lara Buchak, John Hawthorne, and Yoaav Isaacs), and philosophy of religion (Zimmerman, Collins, Buchak, and Hawthorne).
Further information and to apply:

Edouard Machery
1 year ago

Pittsburgh Summer Program 7: A Summer Program in Philosophy of Science for Underrepresented Groups. The Summer Program, to take place at the Center for Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh, will feature two daily graduate seminars about core issues and cutting-edge topics in general philosophy of science and philosophy of the special sciences (e.g., physics, biology, cognitive science and neuroscience, social sciences). The seminars and lectures will be given by internationally recognized faculty in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science and the Department of Philosophy at the University of Pittsburgh as well as in the Department of Philosophy at Carnegie Mellon University. Application deadline: March 15, 2023. July 10 – 14, 2023.

Reply to  Edouard Machery
1 year ago

Edouard you should post this also on the undergraduate summer school page. Here: Summer 2023 Programs for Undergraduates | Daily Nous.

David Marshall Miller
1 year ago

Summer School on the History of Space in Mathematics and Physics
July 24 – 29, 2023
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (Leipzig)
Contact: Antje Vandenberg ([email protected])
Deadline: March 6th, 2023

The Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences in Leipzig organizes a Summer School on the History of Space in Mathematics and Physics. The School deals with the history of the notion of space and its uses in the sciences. It will address topics such as the development of the concept of space from the Renaissance to the modern age, the birth of the notion of a mathematical space, the Newton-Leibniz debate on the nature of space, Kant’s theory of space and the foundations of physics, the further debates on non-Euclidean geometry and absolute space in the 19th century, the role of space in relativity theory and the epistemological discussions in the 1920s and 1930s, space in quantum mechanics, and some contemporary perspectives on cosmology and astrophysics. The School is open to PhD students writing a dissertation in any of the related field, as well as to Master students in their final years who have a strong interest in the discipline, and post-doctoral researchers who obtained their PhD at most five years ago and whose main field of research are the theory and history of space (in mathematics, physics, philosophy).

Zarah Weiss
1 year ago

Climate Science: Historical, Philosophical and Sociological Issues
Dates: July 10-19, 2023
Location: Vienna, Austria
Contact: Zarah Weiss ([email protected])
Deadline: March 15, 2023

Description: Climate science, understood as an interdisciplinary field of study of the Earth’s climate and the causes and effects of climate change, is clearly of central importance today. The summer school will explore climate studies from a historical, philosophical, and sociological perspective. Topics to be covered will include: foundations and methodological issues relating to climate science, including various definitions of climate change, different types of models of climate change, and the use of simulations; further, historical roots and the development of climate science before and after the “computer age”; finally, issues concerning science policy and the communication of findings of climate science to a general public.

Further information: https.//

Heather Reid
1 year ago

Siracusa Summer Seminar on Ancient Greek Philosophy, topic: “Plato’s Symposium”
Dates: July 24-August 4, 2023
Location: Exedra Mediterranean Center, Siracusa, Sicily
Contact: Susi Kimbell [email protected]
Deadline: March 15, 2023 (for financial aid); May 15 (for abstracts); July 15 (registration)
Description: Plato’s Symposium is the topic of this year’s seminar, which mixes the best aspects of a philosophy conference and a classical language summer school. The program combines cultural activities and ancient Greek language study (at least two levels) with academic lectures, participant presentations, and philosophical discussion. Participants study in the historic Palazzo Francica Nava on the picturesque island of Ortigia, just steps from the 5th century BCE Temple of Athena, and a short walk from the 6th century Temple of Apollo—or the Cala Rossa beach, in case you are in the mood for a swim.
More information, application, and fees are available at

Jorge Bonet (student assistant)
1 year ago

Instituto di Studi Filosofici di Lugano Summer School: “Reality+”
Dates: June 9 — June 13, 2023
Location: Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI), Lugano, Switzerland
Contact: [email protected]
Deadline: February 15, 2023
Further information and to apply:

Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) devices have a range of applications, from transporting users to wholly virtual environments, to incorporating virtual objects and overlays into the real world, and even faciliating trans-continental telepresence. And it is clear that this technology behind is quickly becoming integrated into our everyday lives.

Description: As regards of the revolutionary technological changes that are arising nowadays, new questions concerning those world transformations follow. Addressing to them, Lugano’s Philosophical Insititue has organized this Summer School on the subject of Virtual and Augmented Reality. It deals with issues in the Metaphysics and Philosophy of Mind related to these topics.

The aim of this summer school is to discuss these and related questions. In so doing, we will focus on how this emergent techonology impacts debates in metaphysics, philosophy of perception, epistemology, and philosophy of mind. The main outcome of the school will be a better understanding of the philosophical import of AR/VR.
USI’s Summer School on Reality+ is open to graduate students and early career researchers. Participants are kindly invited to read in advance the relevant parts of the book Reality+ by David Chalmers.

Yet AR/VR raises a number of striking philosophical questions. Are the virtual worlds we seem to experience in VR real? Is our experience of these worlds verdicial, or perhaps something more akin to an illusion? Can we learn from virtual experiences? Is a life lived within a virtual world less valuable than one lived outside it?
Please feel free to reach us at [email protected] with any questions.

Robin Celikates
1 year ago

International Critical Theory Summer School 2023: Radical Social TransformationJuly 3-7, 2023, Berlin

Classical Critical Theory was characterized by a dichotomy. On the one hand, only fundamental change could overcome the wrongs of existing society. Yet, on the other hand, the social revolution predicted by Marxist thinkers failed to materialize. In our time, multiple crises again intensify the need for social transformation; but in many fields, capitalist societies seem far too slow in their ability to change, despite their inherent dynamic. Against this background, the summer school will explore the drivers of and obstacles to radical social transformation today with a focus on the role of social activism and the material preconditions of change.
The summer school will involve plenary lectures and discussions, reading sessions, small group discussions and panel debates. Only the panel debates will be open to the broader public. We will explore classical approaches, such as Karl Marx’s and Walter Benjamin’s conception of historical change and Herbert Marcuse’s analysis of new revolutionary subjects while also engaging with the work of leading contemporary theorists: Sally Haslanger, Verónica Gago, Gianfranco Casuso and Alex Demirović will participate and discuss their work. On the occasion of Marcuse’s 125th birthday, the public round table with Gago, Demirović, Eva von Redecker, and Rahel Jaeggi on Wednesday evening (July 5, 2023) will be dedicated to actualizing his quest for alternative revolutionary subjectivities.
Organizers: Rahel Jaeggi, Robin Celikates, Christian Schmidt, Zveta Pauly (Centre for Social Critique Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) and Alice Crary (The New School for Social Research)
For more information, please see
or contact [email protected]

Asya Passinsky
1 year ago

CEU Summer Course on “Contemporary Issues in Ontology and Social Ontology”

Dates: July 17–28, 2023
Location: Central European University, Budapest, Hungary (in person)
Contact: Mark Balaguer ([email protected])
Deadline: February 14, 2023

Description: Philosophers are becoming increasingly interested in real-world problems and in how their discipline is relevant to these problems. The recent explosion of interest in social ontology is part of a movement in philosophy to come down out of the ivory tower and engage with issues that actually matter—issues concerning, e.g., race, gender, and social justice. This course will introduce students to ontology, and to social ontology in particular, by delving deeply into numerous important issues in the field. Specific topics to be covered in the course include the following: social justice, social construction, groups, social structures, ideal vs. non-ideal social ontology, social power, essentialism as it relates to social groups and genders, metaphysical grounding in the social realm, issues pertaining to mental health and moral responsibility, social theories of art, rationality, and mental content, and issues in meta social ontology. The faculty for the course includes Mark Balaguer (Cal State LA), Talia Bettcher (Cal State LA), Åsa Burman (Stockholm), Esa Díaz-León (Barcelona), Alex Grzankowski (Birkbeck), Ferenc Huoranszki (CEU), Michaela McSweeney (Boston), and Asya Passinsky (CEU). We invite applications from graduate students, postdocs, and faculty in philosophy. A few places for advanced undergraduate students will also be available. Some financial aid is available.

Further information:

Deniz Sarikaya
1 year ago

Title: Masterclass in the Philosophy of Mathematical Practices 2023 
Dates: 21–23 June 2023 
Location: Brussels, Belgium 
Contact information: For any questions write an email to [email protected]  
Application Deadline: With talk: April 1, Registration without a talk: May 15.  

Description:The Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science (CLPS) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) will host its fifth Masterclass in the Philosophy of Mathematical Practices on June, 21–23 with Jean Paul Van Bendegem (CLPS, Vrije Universiteit Brussel). We intend the masterclass to be a fully interactive in person event, with the twofold objective to understand in depth the materials presented in the lectures, and to provide early career researchers (PhD students and Postdocs) with an opportunity to discuss their ongoing work in a helpful and constructive environment. The lectures by Jean Paul Van Bendegem will take place in the mornings, and will be followed by afternoon sessions with presentations by early career researchers in the Philosophy of Mathematical Practices. The exact titles of the lectures will be communicated at a later stage. 

We are happy to announce that we are able to offer a small number of travel grants (up to 300 Euro) for those who do not have other sources of funding to attend the event. To apply, please send a short description of your situation to [email protected]. Priority will be given to speakers, but all attendees may apply for a travel grant.

The masterclass is supported by the Centre for Logic & Philosophy of Science (CLPS) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and the Doctoral School of Human Sciences (DSh) of the VUB

Further information:

Kylie Shahar
1 year ago

Call for Applications: Center for Canon Expansion and Change (CCEC) 2023 Summer Program
Dates: June 5-9, 2023
Location: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (Minneapolis)
Contact: Kylie Shahar ([email protected])
Application Deadline: March 1, 2023

Description: The Minnesota Center for Canon Expansion and Change (CCEC) seeks applications for participants in its 2nd annual Summer Program. Participants will take part in a week-long collaborative workshop, in which they learn about figures in an expanded canon of early modern philosophy (such as Anton Wilhelm Amo, Margaret Cavendish, and Anne Conway) and cutting-edge research on them; discuss inclusive, student-centered, and equitable pedagogy (with 2 sessions dedicated to teaching a predominantly white subject in predominantly white institutions); and collaboratively craft their own early modern course syllabus. After the workshop, participants and guides will meet regularly and continue to communicate as their courses (and future versions of it) are implemented. Participants will also receive an award from CCEC attesting to their experience with canon expansion and inclusive teaching.

For more information on applications, visit:

To check out last year’s inaugural Summer Program, check out Twitter: @MNCCEC

Tomislav Bracanović
1 year ago

Deception: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives
Institute of Philosophy (Zagreb) Summer School 2023:

Dates: June 28–30, 2023

Location: Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb (Croatia)

Contact: Dr. Tomislav Bracanovic ([email protected])

Deadline: April 20, 2023

Description: Virtually all aspects of human society – our intimate and superficial relationships, daily dealings in the market, interactions through virtual spaces – are permeated with at least some degree of dishonesty, lying, manipulation, pretense, and other – more or less benign – forms of deception. In fact, very few phenomena in our lives are as unequivocally morally condemned, and yet as ubiquitous and widely expected as the deception of and by our fellow humans, be they complete strangers or our nearest and dearest. But not only do we sometimes (intentionally or unintentionally) deceive others, but very often (and perhaps even to a greater extent) we deceive ourselves about various facets of our lives (possibly, according to some, only to be more successful in our attempts at deceiving others). Various forms of deception and self-deception have long been capturing our attention not only in branches of philosophy, such as ethics, political philosophy, philosophy of mind, and informal logic but also in political science, psychology, research on artificial intelligence, human-robot interaction research, biomedical ethics, statistics, mathematics, etc. The 2023 Summer School of the Institute of Philosophy in Zagreb aims to provide participants with an in-depth presentation and analysis of some of the most influential theoretical approaches to the phenomena of deception and self-deception, as well as an analysis of their practical (normative) implications. The summer school is intended for Ph.D. students of philosophy and disciplines such as psychology, communication science, journalism, information science, etc. Applications from advanced master’s students, as well as from media/PR experts will also be considered.

Further information:

Julian Rome
1 year ago

Of interest to MA students who are considering or preparing to apply to PhD programs in Philosophy –

COMPASS at Michigan 2023
A workshop for students considering graduate school in philosophy

Dates: September 28 – October 1, 2023
Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan (University of Michigan)
Contact: [email protected]
Application Deadline: May 1, 2023

Description: COMPASS at Michigan is a workshop for students from a diverse range of backgrounds who are considering applying to graduate school in philosophy. Participants will read in advance 3 papers from a range of subfields (to be determined in part by the interests of the participants). In addition to sessions discussing the papers, there will be one session featuring faculty members giving advice on graduate school and one session featuring a graduate student panel on graduate school applications and graduate student life. There will also be opportunities to attend graduate student research presentations and meet with graduate student mentors. 

COMPASS will pay for the travel and room and board for accepted participants.

Eligibility: Advanced undergraduates as well as MA students who are considering applying for graduate study in philosophy are eligible to apply. Applicants should also meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Be part of a group/demographic underrepresented in academic philosophy;
  • Have demonstrated a sustained commitment to diversity in philosophy

More information, including the link to apply, agendas from previous years, and participant testimonials, can be found here:

Alex Guerrero
1 year ago

NEWLAMP (Northeast Workshop to Learn About Multicultural Philosophy)
July 24 – 28, 2023
Rutgers University – New Brunswick
Contact Information: Alex Guerrero ([email protected] and/or [email protected])

Application deadline: February 23, 2023

Call For Applications for NEWLAMP 2023

The Northeast Workshop to Learn About Multicultural Philosophy (NEWLAMP) is designed to equip philosophy professors with the competency to integrate modules on traditionally underrepresented areas of philosophy into their undergraduate philosophy courses.

For its second edition, which will take place at Rutgers University in New Brunswick July 24-28, 2023, NEWLAMP will focus on Mesoamerican, Latin American, and Latinx moral, social, and political philosophy.

Three experts will lead the workshop:

· Carlos Alberto Sanchez, San Jose State University
· James Maffie, University of Maryland (Emeritus)
· Stephanie Rivera Berruz, Marquette University

Twenty participants will be selected to attend the workshop. We encourage applications from all those who teach philosophy on a regular basis, including adjuncts, community college or regional university professors, and other underfunded faculty across North America. (Current graduate students who will begin a post-PhD teaching position in Fall 2023 or sooner are welcome to apply.) Financial aid will be available to help cover travel and lodging costs for those without available professional funds to cover attendance (exact proportion of coverage still to be determined). There is no registration fee.

Apply to NEWLAMP by emailing the following to [email protected], by February 23, 2023:

I. A short statement of interest in NEWLAMP (2-page max); please include in your statement your reasons for wanting to participate in NEWLAMP 2023, the number of moral, social, and/or political philosophy courses you usually teach every year, the levels of those courses, and the standard class size of each;

II. For those requesting financial aid, a short explanation of your available travel funds (or lack thereof) and expected costs for attending;

III. A curriculum vitae; and

IV. A Brief Teaching Portfolio including: at least two sample syllabi (preferably in moral, social, and/or political philosophy) and at least one sample student assignment.

Compile all the elements in a single PDF with your First Name_Last Name in the document title (e.g., Gloria_Anzaldua.pdf) and submit it with the email title “2023 NEWLAMP Submission” to [email protected]

If you have any questions, contact Alex Guerrero ([email protected]) and [email protected].

The other co-organizers are: Candice Delmas, Nancy Bauer, Helena de Bres, and Gina Schouten.

Notifications will be sent out in March 2023.

Marco Marabello
1 year ago

The Social Ontology Summer School.

Dates: June 26-30, 2023.
Location: Université de
Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Contact: Antoine Taillard
([email protected]) and Marco Marabello ([email protected])
Deadline: February 28, 2023

The Social Ontology Summer School aims at introducing important debates in social ontology to philosophers and scholars of other disciplines studying social phenomena. It is open to master students, PhD students and early postdoc researchers.

The lecturers are Åsa Burman (Stockholm) and Francesco Guala (Milan). Each lecturer will give classes for a total of 10 hours. Moreover, some participants will have the opportunity to present their work.

Students interested in participating to the Summer School are invited to submit the following two documents:

– an up-to-date resume (curriculum vitae), including a list of publications if any.
– a statements of purpose (maximum 500 words)

Additionally, participants interested in presenting their work during the event are invited to submit an abstract of no more than 500 words (excluding references) prepared for blind review.

Contributions in any area of social ontology are welcome. This includes, but is not limited to:
– The nature, evolution, and functioning of social norms
– The metaphysics of social kinds (e.g., race or gender) and social structures
– The structure of institutions, firms, and organizations
– The ontology of economics
– The foundations of social ontology and its links with other areas of philosophy and the social sciences.

All documents should be sent in PDF format to the email address specified here ( by February 28, 2023.

Students will be notified of the organizers’ decision by March 15, 2023. Accepted students who decide to attend the Summer School will be expected to pay the registration fee of 35 CHF. (The fee is waived for CUSO members.)

You can find more information about the conference on our website: Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Kristi Sweet
1 year ago

Collegium Phaenomenologicum: Cosmology and Cosmopolitanism
Dates: July 10 -28; Participants’ Conference July 8 – 9
Location: Città di Castello, Umbria, Italy
Contact: Kristi Sweet, Texas A&M; (
Deadline: February 15, 2023

Description: The Collegium Phaenomenologicum is a three week intensive summer seminar, and  will convene for its 45th annual session in Città di Castello, Italy, from July 10-28, 2023. The Collegium is intended for advanced graduate and postdoctoral students in philosophy and related disciplines. The core of the program consists in a series of lecture courses, individual lectures, and intensive text-based seminars. 

Theme: Cosmology and Cosmopolitanism name two of our most familiar horizons for coming to understand what it means to be and thus also how to live as human beings. Cosmology names the notion by which we understand ourselves in virtue of our place in a larger cosmological order. Cosmopolitan, by contrast, understands human beings principally as beings on a finite globe. This historical shift in how we take the world to which we belong to be marks a decisive turn in forming the possibilities for human life and human community. This Collegium will not only trace the meaning of this arc, but also ask how we may think anew the relation between the cosmic and the worldly in how we give order and orientation to our lives.

Week 1: Cosmoi: Plato on the Orders of the Human, the City, and the Universe
Lecture Course by Michael Naas, DePaul University, USA

Individual Lectures by John Sallis (Boston College), Dennis Schmidt (Western Sydney University), Andrea Lozano Vasquez (Universidad de los Andes, Bogotà)

Week 2: The End of the World/The End of Cosmology – With Kant: A New Beginning? 
Lecture Course by Angelica Nuzzo, Graduate Center, City University of New York

Individual Lectures by Günter Figal (Universität Freiburg), Bret Davis (Loyola University Maryland), Kalliopi Nikolopoulou (The University at Buffalo)

Week 3: The Cosmic Stain of the World – on Jean-Luc Nancy’s a-cosmology
Lecture Course by Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback, Södertörn University

Individual Lectures by Gert-Jan van der Heiden (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen), Ewa Plonowska Ziarek (The University at Buffalo), Alberto Moreiras (Texas A&M University)

Further Information:

Tomislav Bracanović
1 year ago

[Extended Deadline: April 30, 2023]

Deception: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives
Institute of Philosophy (Zagreb) Summer School 2023:
Dates: June 28–30, 2023
Location: Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb (Croatia)
Contact: Dr. Tomislav Bracanovic ([email protected])
Deadline: April 30, 2023
Description: Virtually all aspects of human society – our intimate and superficial relationships, daily dealings in the market, interactions through virtual spaces – are permeated with at least some degree of dishonesty, lying, manipulation, pretense, and other – more or less benign – forms of deception. In fact, very few phenomena in our lives are as unequivocally morally condemned, and yet as ubiquitous and widely expected as the deception of and by our fellow humans, be they complete strangers or our nearest and dearest. But not only do we sometimes (intentionally or unintentionally) deceive others, but very often (and perhaps even to a greater extent) we deceive ourselves about various facets of our lives (possibly, according to some, only to be more successful in our attempts at deceiving others). Various forms of deception and self-deception have long been capturing our attention not only in branches of philosophy, such as ethics, political philosophy, philosophy of mind, and informal logic but also in political science, psychology, research on artificial intelligence, human-robot interaction research, biomedical ethics, statistics, mathematics, etc. The 2023 Summer School of the Institute of Philosophy in Zagreb aims to provide participants with an in-depth presentation and analysis of some of the most influential theoretical approaches to the phenomena of deception and self-deception, as well as an analysis of their practical (normative) implications. The summer school is intended for Ph.D. students of philosophy and disciplines such as psychology, communication science, journalism, information science, etc. Applications from advanced master’s students, as well as from media/PR experts will also be considered.
Further information

Karen Crowther
1 year ago

PhD Course on Non-Locality in Quantum Mechanics
Dates: Sep. 11, 2023Sep. 12, 2023
Location: University of Oslo
Description: This PhD course will focus on the phenomenon of entanglement and non-locality in quantum mechanics, with the aim of deepening the understanding of their philosophical implications. It will include lectures, participant presentations, and discussion groups. The course is primarily aimed at PhD level students in philosophy (philosophy of science, philosophy of physics and metaphysics). However, PhD students from other areas are also welcome. There will also be a possibility for interested postdocs and masters’ students to apply and/or attend, but priority will be given to PhD students. It provides 3 ECTS credits
Lecturers: Alastair Wilson and Arnt Inge Vistnes
Application deadline: June 15
Further information: