Philosophy News Share: July 2022

As mentioned in my Summer 2022 Plans, to help keep readers up to date with what’s happening in the philosophy world this summer, I’ll be be creating a space each month for individuals and institutions to share news.

Here is the one for July 2022.

If you have news of the sort that would typically appear on Daily Nous, please share it in the comments. (For examples of such news, see the list in the first of these posts.)

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Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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2 years ago

Anita Allen (University of Pennsylvania) and Peter Godfrey-Smith (University of Sydney) were selected as new members of the American Philosophical Society.

Patrick S. O'Donnell
2 years ago

Within the rubric, “new research resources for philosophers,” I have just completed an English language bibliography (books, the exception being relevant SEP entries) on “Buddhist Philosophy” found here:
It has a substantive introduction and embedded links to other relevant bibliographies (e.g., Indian/Indic philosophies, classical Chinese worldviews, Jainism, Buddhism and Psychoanalysis, etc.).

Jeff Dean
Reply to  Patrick S. O'Donnell
2 years ago

Thanks for this list! Might be worth noting that Mark Siderits has a new edition of Buddhism as Philosophy, published by Hackett:

Patrick S. O'Donnell
Reply to  Jeff Dean
2 years ago

My pleasure … and I will change the Siderits entry (I don’t know how that happened, as I have a copy of the latest edition!).

Steven Gross
2 years ago

The second issue of The Raven: A Magazine of Philosophy is now available at Pieces by Mary Midgley on “bachelor” philosophy, Michelle Moody-Adams on coming to terms with history, Helen de Cruz on Graeber and Wengrow, and much more.

Prindle Institute for Ethics
2 years ago

The Janet Prindle Institute for Ethics at DePauw University is delighted to welcome Associate Professor of Philosophy Jeffrey Dunn as its new executive director. Jeff received his doctorate from the University of Massachusetts in 2010 and has taught at DePauw since then. He served as chair of the Philosophy Department from 2021-22 and 2019-20.

He currently serves as the secretary-treasurer of the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association, a position he’s held since 2017. At DePauw, Dunn regularly judges for the Prindle Institute’s High School Ethics Bowl and serves as a counselor at the Institute’s Express C.A.M.P. He initiated the Prindle Institute’s Philosophy for Children program when he offered a winter-term class on the topic in 2017 and, two years later, partnered with the Institute to invite a leading scholar to campus to discuss the topic. He also works with the American Youth Foundation to develop an ethics curriculum for their summer programming.

In his research, Dunn explores connections between epistemology and ethics. His recent work draws on analogies with consequentialist ethical theories to think about cases of group inquiry.

Jeffrey Dunn3.jpg
Erin Shepherd
2 years ago

In response to the Philosophers for Sustainability’s APA 2+1 Campaign, a survey of recent meeting participants, and extensive discussion by the American Philosophical Association (APA) board of officers and the divisional executive committees, the three APA divisions have agreed to conduct a three-year experiment with a rotating schedule of two in-person divisional meetings and one virtual divisional meeting per year, beginning in 2025. The 2025 Central Division meeting will be the first divisional meeting to be held virtually as part of the experiment.

Following the experiment, the 2+1 model will be reviewed and evaluated and the APA divisions will decide whether to continue with this approach to meetings.

To help prepare for these upcoming virtual meetings, the board of officers has approved a proposal to create an Ad Hoc Committee on Virtual Meetings. The ad hoc committee is charged with researching approaches to virtual meetings and providing recommendations for the APA’s future virtual divisional meetings. 

See the full announcement.

Association for Practical and Professional Ethics
2 years ago

The members of the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE) have elected five board members. APPE is an interdisciplinary, international organization dedicated to advancing scholarship, education, and practice in practical and professional ethics. APPE works to improve ethical conduct in communities and workplaces, supports and develops the next generation of ethics faculty and professionals, and advances public dialogue in ethics and values.

Three members are new members and two are returning. They include:
· Elizabeth (Liz) A. Coit, elected to her first term. She is the founding Executive Director at the Walker Center for Applied Ethics at Marian University in Indianapolis.
· Dr. Dennis Cooley, re-elected to a second term. He is the director of the Northern Plains Ethics Institute and a professor of philosophy and ethics at North Dakota State University.
· Dr. Julia (Julie) Pedroni, re-elected to a second term. She is a lecturer in philosophy at Williams College in Williamstown, Mass.
· Dr. Raquel Diaz-Sprague, elected to her first term. She is a visiting scholar at the University of Alabama at Birmingham in the computer science department and electrical and computing engineering department.
· Dr. Alex Richardson, elected to his first term. He is the director of the National High School Ethics Bowl, which is housed at the Parr Center for Ethics at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He also teaches at Elon University in the department of philosophy.

Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen
1 year ago

We are pleased to announce that the inaugural issue of the Asian Journal of Philosophy has now closed. The full issue is available here:

All journal content is freely available and downloadable for the first two years. 

The Asian Journal of Philosophy operates on a continuous publication schedule. Content thus gets published on a rolling basis, with each accepted submission appearing shortly after production has been completed. 

The inaugural issue features 35 contributions, including articles as well as contributions to symposia on the following books: 

  • Sven Rosenkranz: Justification as Ignorance (Oxford University Press, 2020).
  • Jamin Asay: A Theory of Truthmaking (Cambridge University Press, 2020). 
  • Declan Smithies: The Epistemic Role of Consciousness (Oxford University Press, 2019). 
  • Kengo Miyazono: Delusions and Beliefs: A Philosophical Inquiry (Routledge, 2018).

Currently there are 10 Topical Collections with upcoming deadlines: 

  • Analytic Philosophy in Asia: Past, Present and Future
  • Cross-Cultural Experimental Philosophy
  • Cross-Linguistic Disagreement 
  • Current Themes in Epistemology: Asian Epistemology Network 
  • Knowledge and Decision Theory 
  • Metaphysics: East and West 
  • The Epistemology of Duncan Pritchard 
  • Themes from Beall 
  • Truth in Asian Philosophy 
  • Truth Without Borders 

For more information about any of these collections (or the book symposia), please follow the links on this page:

Topical Collections, like special issues, are organized around a set of thematically related questions or issues. However, contributions to Topical Collections can be spread across several issues—allowing for continuous publication of accepted articles. 

We wish to highlight that the Topical Collection on analytic philosophy in Asia already contains five articles at this point ( These articles focus on respectively Taiwan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Japan (1933-2000), and the Philippines. Articles on analytic philosophy in other parts of Asia or other time periods will follow later—with ones on South Korea, Japan (2000 onwards), Singapore, and China being slated for inclusion in the second issue. 

The mission of the Asian Journal of Philosophy is to serve as an internationally visible platform for analytic philosophy in Asia, both by providing Asia-based analytic philosophers a vehicle for sharing high quality research and by encouraging interaction and exchanges between philosophers in Asia and philosophers in other parts of the world. 

We hope that the inaugural issue of the journal can serve as a good first step towards accomplishing this mission. We are very grateful for all the encouragement and support received since the journal was launched in October of 2021. Thank you very much. 

Best wishes, 

Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen, Editor in Chief 
Underwood International College, Yonsei University 

Jie Gao, Associate Editor
Zhejiang University 

Masashi Kasaki, Associate Editor 
Hiroshima University 

Weng Hong Tang, Associate Editor 
National University of Singapore 

Philosophy as a Way of Life Project
1 year ago

The Philosophy as a Way of Life Project is holding its final conference from August 6th to August 9th at the University of Notre Dame. The conference will feature presentations and panels highlighting
(1) The nature and relevance of PWOL ideas
(2) Perspectives on PWOL from diverse philosophical traditions
(3) Connections between PWOL and other academic disciplines, and
(4) Best practices for teaching PWOL courses.
Confirmed keynote speakers include Stephen Angle (Wesleyan), Emily Austin (Wake Forest), Caleb Cohoe (MSU Denver), Karen Stohr (Georgetown), Christian Miller (Wake Forest), Sarah Schnitker (Baylor, Psychology), Tushar Irani (Wesleyan). Conference registration, along with the welcome and closing dinners is all free! Be sure to register at this link before the registration deadline on August 1st. We encourage all teachers of philosophy to come find out what Philosophy as a Way of Life is about and how to share it with your students!

Steven DeLay
1 year ago

Beginning next month, Woolf University will be convening a Post-Kantian Philosophy Seminar. Sessions will meet online monthly, and anyone interested in doing so is very welcome to attend.
Robert Stern (Sheffield) is the first speaker, delivering a paper entitled “Løgstrup’s Radical Demand: Between Kierkegaard and Life in the Crowd.” Other confirmed speakers include A.W. Moore (Oxford), Emmanuel Falque (ICP), and Simon Glendinning (LSE).
Details for the seminar’s upcoming sessions, with registration information, can be found here:

Amy Ferrer
1 year ago

Jeff Dunn, current secretary-treasurer of the APA Eastern Division, has accepted a new position as Executive Director of the Prindle Institute for Ethics (see announcement above) and will be stepping down as secretary-treasurer following the Eastern Division meeting in January 2023.

Thus, the Executive Committee of the APA Eastern Division solicits applications for the position of divisional secretary-treasurer. A position description and application instructions are available on the APA website. Applications are due by September 15.

Brian Robinson
1 year ago

The NSF has just funded my interdisicplinary philosophy of science project “Investigating the Philosophical Commitments of University Scientists across Disciplines” for 3 years at ~$572K. This project is with Chad Gonnerman (Philosophy, University of Southern Indiana), Aaron McCright (Sociology, Michigan State), Troy Hall (Forestry, Oregan State University), and Michael O’Rourke (Philosophy, Michigan State).