Ásta from San Francisco State to Duke

Ásta Kristjana Sveinsdóttir, who publishes under the name Ásta, will be moving from her current position as professor of philosophy at San Francisco State University to take up a position as professor of philosophy at Duke University

Ásta works in metaphysics, social philosophy, and feminist theory, and on related topics in philosophy of language and epistemology. She is the author of, among other things, Categories We Live By: The Construction of Sex, Gender, Race, and other Social Categories (2018). You can browse some of her work here and here.

She will take up her new position at Duke this fall.

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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Matt L
2 years ago

That’s a great hire for Duke.

On this: Ásta Kristjana Sveinsdóttir, who publishes under the name Ásta …it’s worth noting that this is slightly off. As Asta notes, what’s presented in English as her “last” or “surname” is really a patronymic name – Sveinsdottir = “daughter of Sven”, where, literally, “Svein” is her father. (It’s like a “middle” name is Russia, which is also a patronymic name.) It’s not so much that “Asta Sveinsdottir” is “her name” and she “publishes under the name ‘Asta'” as that, in her own words, her name is “Asta”, but because of English language naming conventions, this has a hard time being taken right in English.