Online Philosophy Resources Weekly Update

The weekly report on new and revised entries at online philosophy resources and new reviews of philosophy books…




  1. Aesthetics and Cognitive Science, Jon Robson and Gregory Currie.
  2. Arabic and Islamic Philosophy of Mathematics, Mohammad Saleh Zarepour.


  1. Connexive Logic, Heinrich Wansing.
  2. Optimality-Theoretic and Game-Theoretic Approaches to Implicature, Robert van Rooij and Michael Franke.
  3. The Notation in Principia Mathematica, Bernard Linsky.
  4. Consciousness and Intentionality, Charles Siewert.


  1. The Compactness Theorem, by A. C. Paseau.     


  1. Immortality in Ancient Philosophy by Alexander G. Long (ed.)  is reviewed by Gretchen Reydams-Schils.
  2. Reason and Conversion in Kierkegaard and the German Idealists by Ryan S. Kemp and Christopher Iacovetti is reviewed by Steven Hoeltzel.
  3. Plato’s Statesman: A Philosophical Discussion by Panos Dimas, Melissa Lane, and Susan Sauvé Meyer is reviewed by Jeremy Reid.
  4. Justification as Ignorance: An Essay in Epistemology by Sven Rosenkranz is reviewed by Mona Simion.

1000-Word Philosophy     ∅      

Project Vox     ∅

Recent Philosophy Book Reviews in Non-Academic Media  

  1. To Live is to Resist: The Life of Antonio Gramsci by Jean-Yves Frétigné (translated by Laura Marris) is reviewed by Alan Wald at Boston Review.
  2. Private Notebooks: 1914-1916 by Ludwig Wittgenstein (ed ited and translated by Marjorie Perloff) is reviewed by Jennifer Szalai at The New York Times.
  3. Free: Coming of Age at the End of History by Lea Ypi is reviewed by Michael Lazarus at Australian Book Review.

Compiled by Michael Glawson

BONUS: Work-Life Balance

Note (4/11/22): The link to the IEP entry on “The Compactness Theorem” has been changed.

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Patrick S. O'Donnell
2 years ago

Re: the revised SEP entry on consciousness and intentionality: It seems only Western philosophers have had anything significant to say about consciousness and intentionality! At least that should be acknowledged in the title of the entry (i.e., Western Philosophers on Consciousness and Intentionality).