
Recent additions to the Heap…

  1. Moral grandstanding in public discourse: is it a problem? — a discussion between Brandon Warmke (Bowling Green) and Justin Weinberg (South Carolina)
  2. Philosophical ideas represented with minimalist images and brief captions — from Jonny Thomson on Instagram
  3. “I can provide meaningful feedback, and targeted, productive feedback, better if I put less emphasis on assigning a grade” — an article about the Marcus Schultz-Bergin’s (Cleveland State) experience with “ungrading”
  4. “Once the controversial metaphysical underpinnings of the alleged irreconcilable conflict [between science and religion] are identified… the match turns out really to be a contest of metaphysics against metaphysics” — Hud Hudson (Western Washington) is interviewed at 3:16AM
  5. “I think what’s at stake is a public culture, that we are all affected by in the same way, and that we collectively produce… it’s something that we are all entitled to try to contribute to. It isn’t owned by anybody”” — T.M. Scanlon (Harvard) is interviewed by Yascha Mounk (Johns Hopkins)
  6. “She is both beautiful and good, in a way the philosophy of character strives to explain but can’t always illustrate convincingly” — Mary Townsend (St. John’s) on the virtuous Dolly Parton, though “be warned that Aristotle won’t be entirely able to wrap his head around the idea that a petite woman with a high voice might be a profound moral exemplar”
  7. “I’m not the kind of philosopher who is tortured by philosophical questions” — a video interview with Timothy Williamson (Oxford) on his work and on philosophy in everyday life

Mini-Heap posts usually appear when 7 or so new items accumulate in the Heap of Links, a collection of items from around the web that may be of interest to philosophers. Discussion welcome.

The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap. Thanks!


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