Positions for Philosophers Forced from Ukraine / #philosophyforukraine

Over 2 million people so far have fled Ukraine during the Russian attack. Among them are philosophy faculty and students who may be in need of temporary ways of supporting themselves and their family, and if possible, continuing their work. The purpose of this page is to provide a centralized location for the listing of positions, opportunities, funding, and other forms of career or study support available to philosophers forced from Ukraine, and to encourage faculty around the world to see what their institutions can do to provide such support.

The hope is to list a range of paid academic positions for philosophers (faculty and PhD students) and academic transfer opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students studying philosophy.

There is a spreadsheet here and embedded below for universities, organizations, and individuals to list opportunities. As you’ll see, the spreadsheet asks for the following:

  • Name of the institution providing the opportunity
  • Country in which the opportunity is offered (if the position is a remote-working position, please list “remote”)
  • Description of the opportunity. Please include the duration of the position, expectations of whoever takes it, pay information if available, and whether the position includes free or subsidized housing.
  • Whether the position is for a faculty member, a graduate student, or an undergraduate
  • Contact email or other contact information
  • Any additional information

(The spreadsheet is set to by publicly editable, though sometimes one may have to either enter the link — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A3LNuVu3XKLvJG6k2O9H_wF4fjjRyrE9t3mYQCz5dpw/edit#gid=0 — directly into their browser or click a button that messages me to grant permission to edit it.)

Following a similar intiative in the sciences, those listing opportunities on the spreadsheet are encouraged to share them on social media, linking to this page or directly to the spreadsheet, and using the hashtag #philosophyforukraine.

Thank you.

(Thanks to Jovana Davidovic for the idea for this post.)

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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A PhD student
2 years ago

This is a great idea. It will be great if it can be extedned to all philosophers from all around the world who are or have been for decades facing war, exile, and the destruction of their philosophy departments.

A philosophy undergrad
2 years ago

Did not know we have to be so “politically correct” in our little philosophy world. The war brings suffering to all parties involved. Extremely sad and embarrassed to see the world becoming like this. It is a great thing to help and seek moral rewards in my opinion, but in this case, I do not see how that reward is justified and fair.

C. Naomi Osorio-Kupferblum
2 years ago

A summary of opportunities at the University of Vienna for philosophers (academics and students) who have to flee, or can’t return to, Ukraine has now been made available at the website of the department philosophy: https://philosophie.univie.ac.at/ukraine/
It will be updated regularly. Please forward to anyone interested!