Mental Health & Disability Network for Philosophy Grad Students

A pair of graduate students have created a network for graduate students in philosophy coping with mental and other health challenges, hosted primarily on Discord.

[Sara Hagale, “Walkerings” (detail)]

Parker Rose (UCLA) and Alexandra Gustafson (Toronto) aim for the network’s Discord server to be “a safe space to discuss experiences, share resources, and offer support to one another.” They write:

We’re writing on behalf of the Mental Health & Disability Network, a new student-led initiative for philosophy graduate students, with an invitation for the students in your department!

What is the Mental Health & Disability Network? It’s a multi-university network devoted to bringing together philosophy graduate students who are dealing with significant mental and other health challenges. Hosted primarily over Discord, the Mental Health & Disability Network has three aims: 1) to maintain a friendly, accommodating, and non-judgmental space in which peers can share their experiences and support one another; 2) to be an advocacy force that will assist in ongoing improvements to make our field an ever-kinder space conducive to everyone’s well-being; and 3) to work toward the broader de-stigmatization of mental health and disability in academia.

Any current philosophy graduate is welcome to join, no formal (or informal) health diagnosis necessary.

Interested students should contact Ms. Gustafson at [email protected].ca or Ms. Rose (UCLA) at [email protected] for a secure link to join the network.

Correction (9:21am): There was a typo in Ms. Rose’s email address in the initial version of this post. It has now been corrected.

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