
New philosophy-related links…

  1. “Democracy may not always be necessary to ensure that governments work for the people… yet the weakening of democratic political cultures… is concerning because good government can’t be sustained without public scrutiny” — Fabienne Peter (Warwick) on democracy and authoritarianism
  2. “The sort of socially committed venture that should characterize public work in the arts and sciences generally” — an appreciation of public philosophy, particularly the “Ask a Philosopher” project created by Ian Olasov (CUNY), in The Chronicle
  3. “The law requires reformation to protect our modern scientific and philosophical understanding that many animals can live their own meaningful lives” — Martha Nussbaum (Chicago) has submitted an amicus brief to the NY Court of Appeals in support of the effort to free an elephant from the Bronx Zoo
  4. “Separateness as love’s aesthetic and ethical essence” — a look at Simone de Beauvoir’s lost novel of early love, in The New Yorker
  5. “The great thing about philosophy, and what keeps me going at it: it’s so unpredictable. I simply have no idea where the argument might lead me” — an interview with Sophie Grace Chappell (Open University) about her work and life
  6. “The growing awareness of the moral ambiguity among veterans of Afghanistan and Iraq burdens them with sensibilities of moral injury” — Stephen N. Xenakis and Jesse D. Hamilton (U. Penn) on helping those who “carry the moral burden of a nation at war”
  7. “Machines can imagine what we cannot imagine and see what we cannot see” — Arthur I. Miller (UCL) on machine creativity

Mini-Heap posts usually appear when 7 or so new items accumulate in the Heap of Links, the collection of items from around the web that may be of interest to philosophers. Discussion welcome.

The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap. Thanks!

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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