Sanders Foundation Announces Philosophy in the Media Initiative

The Marc Sanders Foundation has created a new fellowship program that “aims to increase the presence of philosophy in print, audio, and video media by training philosophers to write and produce for the public and by connecting philosophers to editors and commissioners in the media industry.”

Barry Lam (Vassar College), associate director of the Marc Sanders Foundation, says that this fall the foundation will select 30 “Sanders Media Fellows” who next year will “attend exclusive training and networking sessions with media professionals”:

Ten fellows will be selected for Op-ed writing, ten fellows for longform journalism/magazine writing, and ten fellows for podcasting. Fellows will receive a $1500 honorarium and will be brought together for a three-day workshop with editors and writers from the New York Times, The New Yorker, among others, and producers and editors from NPR, This American Life, and others. All philosophers at any career stage eligible, no institutional affiliation required.

The program is funded by a grant from the John Templeton Foundation.

Further details and application instructions are here.

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Richard Y Chappell
3 years ago

This looks great! But am I reading it correctly, that travel & lodging is only covered for the podcasting and long-form workshops, but not for the op-ed workshop? That might discourage people from applying for the latter stream…

3 years ago

Here’s where the Templeton influence emerges: “Topics and specializations are not restricted, but priority will be given to applicants who work, or plan to work, professionally or publicly on the nature, essence, and purposes of transcendent divinity; the nature of the human person (individually and collectively); human flourishing; and the fundamental structures, constituents, and laws of the natural world.”

Graham Clay
Reply to  syd
3 years ago

Fortunately or unfortunately–depending on your perspective–this sounds like many jobs on the job market more generally. There is an increasing proliferation of jobs with social and political strings attached. Beggars can’t be choosers, it seems…

Nate Sheff
Reply to  syd
3 years ago

I hope it’s not a major priority, since I really want to apply, but none of my interests are a perfect fit with those…

2 years ago

Could people from outside of North America apply? will this workshop be online as well? Will you be doing something similar that includes other countries outside North America