
Recently added links…

  1. “How could it be that a single cat-call, which occurs in isolation, contains seemingly innocuous content, and should therefore by all accounts be nothing more than a communicative pinprick, can nonetheless wrong its target?” — Lucy McDonald (Cambridge) takes up the question
  2. A bike tour of Amsterdam inspired by Spinoza — along the “Spinozaroute” are 11 specially decorated benches with unique QR codes for free related podcast episodes on humans and nature
  3. “Without the Comb, the Razor is too dangerous” — metaphysics, ideology, sexual orientation, and more, in an interview with Peter Finocchiaro (Wuhan)
  4. “The failure of the Board of Trustees to approve tenure for Nikole Hannah-Jones is doing great harm to the standing, reputation, and integrity of the University that I have served energetically since 2003” — Marc Lange (UNC Chapel Hill) has some words for the Board
  5. A collection of video interviews with philosophers — and video explainers on topics in ethics, logic, and more, from Sahar Joakim (St. Louis CC)
  6. “The Stone showed that there is a large audience for philosophical ideas, a fact which still surprises and pleases us” — John Kaag (UMass Lowell) and Crispin Sartwell (Dickinson) on the end of the NYT’s dedicated philosophy column
  7. “Pragmatic genealogists take an idea whose practical value is in doubt, or elusive, and try to reverse-engineer the idea’s function in human affairs by figuring out what practical concerns, if any, it answers to” — Matthieu Queloz (Oxford) on pragmatic genealogies of ideas, such as “state of nature” models

Mini-Heap posts usually appear when 7 or so new items accumulate in the Heap of Links, the collection of items from around the web that may be of interest to philosophers. Discussion welcome.

The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap. Thanks!

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