Numbers of Senior Hires in Philosophy During Recent Years

Eric Schwitzgebel (UC Riverside) looked into the numbers of senior hires in philosophy made in recent years.

The following graph shows that changes in the number of senior (typically tenured) hires by philosophy departments with graduate programs over the past several years are roughly parallel to that of junior hires. (The graph uses a logarithmic scale to better show proportionality, and is missing data from 2018-19 at the junior level.)

Looking further back, Schwitzgebel observes, based on counting announcements of senior hires at Leiter Reports, that this year’s 27 senior hires “is comparable to several previous years: 2010-2011 had 28, 2014-2015 had 30, and 2015-2016 had 29.”

More details here.

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Walter Veit
3 years ago

“Since senior hires are often a result of private inquiries rather than though advertisements in PhilJobs” – Senior scholars just write an email to a department and ask to be hired?

Reply to  Walter Veit
3 years ago

I think the idea is that you let it be known in your network that you could be enticed to move, and if all goes well then a poaching offer is extended.