Minorities and Philosophy Fundraising Campaign

Minorities and Philosophy (MAP), a network of philosophy graduate student organizations whose mission is to “address structural injustices in academic philosophy and to remove barriers that impede participation in academic philosophy for members of marginalized groups” has launched a fundraising campaign for its programs with the assistance of the Marc Sanders Foundation.

The Sanders Foundation will match others’ donations to MAP dollar for dollar, up to $10,000. You can make a donation to this campaign here.

The need for funds is in part owed to MAP’s success and growth, its organizers write:

MAP has grown from 19 chapters in 2013 to more than 160 chapters worldwide today. MAP now includes local universitychapters in the US, Canada, Australasia, Africa, and Europe, who have organized over a thousand events (including conferences, workshops, training, meet-ups, and mentorship events)… MAP activities have traditionally been co-funded by local universities and the Marc Sanders Foundation. Due to COVID disruptions and MAP’s exponential growth, MAP is severely underfunded. Since 2013, when we started with 19 chapters, we have grown over 752%, yet we still receive the same annual operational budget. This has become extremely unsustainable given MAP’s growing impact on the discipline.

You can learn more about MAP and the fundraiser here.

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