Call for Signatures on Statement Regarding Sexual Harassment in Philosophy

Jan Dowell and David Sobel (Syracuse) are calling for philosophers to add their signatures to a statement on sexual harassment in philosophy.

[Lorna Simpson, “Collide” (detail)]

The statement, originally published last year, describes the challenges of addressing sexual harassment and ways to be supportive of victims of sexual harassment, as well as proposed policies and arguments for them.

They write:

We can do a good deal to decrease harassment and support victims in our profession. We can vocalize our support for victims. We can broadcast that we are sympathetic to victims of harassment and generally treat such allegations as credible and serious. We can encourage our departments to institute a policy of not bringing to campus anyone department members collectively have good grounds for thinking a bad actor. And we can refuse to include in volumes or participate in volumes which include those who we have good grounds for thinking a bad actor. Although there may be costs to those who choose to fight harassment in any of these ways, the costs of not doing so for victims and potential victims are much greater.

You can read the entire statement and add your signature to it here.

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