Online Philosophy Resources Weekly Update

Here’s the report on new and revised entries in online philosophy resources and new reviews of philosophy books.




  1. Autonomy in Moral and Political Philosophy, by John Christman.
  2. The Cambridge Platonists, by Sarah Hutton.
  3. Leibniz’s Philosophy of Mind, by Mark Kulstad and Laurence Carlin.
  4. Associationist Theories of Thought, by Eric Mandelbaum.
  5. Pragmatism, by Catherine Legg and Christopher Hookway.
  6. Presocratic Philosophy, by Patricia Curd.
  7. Plato’s Aesthetics, by Nickolas Pappas.
  8. Sovereignty, by Daniel Philpott.

IEP  ∅


  1. Terence Cuneo and Spencer Case review Morality and Epistemic Judgement: The Argument From Analogy (Oxford), by Christopher Cowie.
  2. David Lefkowitz reviews Legitimacy: The Right to Rule in a Wanton World (Harvard), by Aurhur Isak Applbaum.
  3. John Oberdiek reviews Recognizing Wrongs (Harvard), by John C. P. Goldberg and Benjamin C. Zipursky.
  4. Jessica M. Wilson reviews Physicalism Deconstructed: Levels of Reality and the Mind–Body Problem (Cambridge), by Kevin Morris.
  5. Stephen Kearns reviews Free Will and Epistemology: A Defence of the Transcendental Argument for Freedom (Bloomsbury), by Robert Lockie.
  6. Andrew Youpa reviews Freedom, Action, and Motivation in Spinoza’s Ethics (Routledge), by Noa Naaman-Zauderer (ed.).
  7. Saba Bazargan-Forward reviews War by Agreement: A Contractarian Ethics of War (Oxford), by Yitzhak Benbaji and Daniel Statman.
  8. Kristina Engelhard reviews Power and Influence: The Metaphysics of Reductive Explanation (Oxford), by Richard Corry.
  9. Mirela Oliva reviews Proto-Phenomenology, Language Acquisition, Orality, and Literacy: Dwelling in Speech II (Rowman & Littlefield), by Lawrence J. Hatab.
  10. Paul Hurley reviews Taking Utilitarianism Seriously (Oxford), by Christopher Woodard.

Wireless Philosophy

1000-Word Philosophy

  1. Ethics and the Expected Consequences of Voting, by Thomas Metcalf.

Recent Philosophy Book Reviews in Non-Academic Media ∅

  1. Conscience: The Origins of Moral Intuition, by Patricia Churchland, reviewed by Raymond Tallis at the Times Literary Supplement.
  2. Philosopher of the Heart: The Restless Life of Søren Kierkegaard, by Clare Carlisle, at Bookforum.

Compiled by Michael Glawson.

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