Shoemaker from Tulane to Cornell

David Shoemaker, currently professor in the Department of Philosophy and The Murphy Institute of Political Economy at Tulane University, will be moving to the Sage School of Philosophy at Cornell University

Professor Shoemaker is known for his work on agency and responsibility, personal identity and ethics, moral psychology, normative ethics, and social and political philosophy. He is also one of the co-founders of the philosophy blog, PEA Soup. You can learn more about his research here.

He takes up his new position at Cornell in Fall of 2021.

(via John Doris)

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4 years ago

Will NOWAR be relocating with Professor Shoemaker?

David Shoemaker
David Shoemaker
Reply to  Ed
4 years ago

WAR will continue, certainly, albeit where — NO or Co, or both — is TBD. I’ll update about the next one — Fall 2021 — on my website.