
More links in the Heap…

  1. “It really bothers me to see philosophers who have thought about this stuff for about a minute or two, begin to pontificate as if they knew it all, as if they didn’t have to do any work. It’s so arrogant” — Talia Mae Bettcher (Cal State LA) is interviewed at What Is It Like To Be A Philosopher?
  2. Oil’s low price presents an opportunity to introduce a carbon tax — Peter Singer & Kian Mintz-Woo (Princeton) make the case
  3. “Left to their own devices, most capital investors will not care for the dignity of labor investors; nor will they lead the fight against environmental catastrophe. Another option is available.” — a few thousand academics see in the pandemic’s lessons a call to reorganize the economy
  4. “If you think about this whole thing less as a school with an endowment and more as an endowment with educational benefits, our budget adjustments start to appear quite reasonable” — your university president responds to those who’ve suggested the school dip into the endowment
  5. The “How The Light Gets In” Philosophy Festival is happening later this month — but it will be online
  6. “Ethical Theory Review” is a new podcast featuring interviews with philosophers about their recent work — it’s hosted by Bradford Cokelet (Kansas)
  7. “Thinking about uptake does not come naturally to bread and butter philosophers of science” — Eric Schliesser (Amsterdam) responds to Jacob Stegenga (Cambridge) on fast science and philosophy of science

Mini-Heap posts appear when 7 or so new items accumulate in the Heap of Links, the ever-growing collection of items from around the web that may be of interest to philosophers. Discussion welcome.

The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap. Thanks!

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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