NEH Awards Grants to Several Philosophers

The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) has announced the winners of its latest round of grants, and several philosophers are among them.

They are:

  • Patrick Connolly, Lehigh University
    The Critical Edition of John Locke’s A Discourse on Miracles and Other Theological Texts 
    Research and writing toward a critical edition of John Locke’s (1632–1704) Discourse on Miracles and twenty short essays and notes on theological topics. $6,000 summer stipend.
  • Ryan Johnson, Elon University
    Hegel’s Influence on Three Early American Philosophers Project
    Research and writing two sections of a book on the influence of German philosopher G.W.F. Hegel (1770–1831) on three prominent American scholars. $6,000 summer stipend.
  • Evan Rodriguez, Idaho State University
    Rivals or Relatives? Tracking Truth and Ways of Knowing among Plato and the Sophists in Classical Greece
    Research leading to a book on the relationship between Plato his philosophical rivals, the Sophists (5th to 4th century BCE). $6,000 summer stipend.
  • Anat Schechtman, University of Wisconsin, Madison
    Non-Quantitative Notions of Infinity in Seventeenth-Century Philosophy
    Writing two chapters of a book on the concept of infinity in the writings of philosophers of the seventeenth century. $6,000 summer stipend.
  • Timothy Stock and Michèle Schlehofer (co-project director) Salisbury University
    Re-envisioning Ethics Access and Community Humanities Initiative: Integrating Community and Curricular Ethics
    The development of an Ethics Across the Curriculum project to integrate ethics into professional training and to extend the reach of humanities programs into the community. $34,861 Humanities Connections Planning Grant.
  • Dana Tulodziecki, Purdue University
    Expanding the Notion of Epistemic Success in Science Project
    Writing one chapter of a book that will argue for a new way of thinking about scientific progress. $6,000 summer stipend.
  • Julie Walsh, Wellesley College
    Women and Freedom in the Works of French Philosopher Gabrielle Suchon (1632–1705)
    Writing of two chapters of a book on the metaphysical account of human freedom developed by the French philosopher Gabrielle Suchon. $6,000 summer stipend.
  • Roslyn Weiss, Lehigh University
    Justice in Plato’s Republic: The Lessons of Book 1
    Research and writing two chapters for a book about a new interpretation of Plato’s definition of justice in The Republic. $6,000 summer stipend.

There were 224 projects funded this round, with grants totalling $22.2 million. The full list of winners is here.

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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