New: Philosophy Grad Student Network

There’s a new online space for graduate students in philosophy.

The Philosophy Grad Student Network (PGSN) is a private Facebook group in which those pursuing Ph.D.s and M.A.s in philosophy can discuss ideas and issues, help each other out, coordinate plans, and so on. No faculty are admitted.

PGSN was created by Emily Mathias, a Ph.D. student at the University of South Carolina, and has nearly 150 members. She says:

The Philosophy Grad. Student Network is a place for grad students pursuing a degree in philosophy to connect, support, and collaborate as we navigate through our time in graduate school. We are 100% grad student run—no faculty/admin viewing whatsoever—and we aim to provide support to our peers throughout every stage of getting a graduate degree. This support includes sharing ideas, splitting conference costs, getting research help, teaching resource suggestions, answering questions, emotional/mental support through stressful times, and much more!

In a note on the main page of the PGSN, Ms. Mathias writes that the location on FB is “a tentative starting place” for growing the group, but that she is “working on designing an independent website for everyone so as to not discriminate against non-Facebook users.”

You can join the PGSN by clicking on the “+ Join Group” button on this page.

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