Six Philosophy Departments Issue Statement on Grad Student Visits (see comments for notices from other departments)

Several philosophy departments at universities in the New York, New Jersey and Connecticut area have issues a statement regarding visits from admitted and waitlisted graduate students.

The statement reads:

In response to the continued spread of COVID-19 and to help in the collective effort to slow the rate of its spread, we will not be holding in-person visits for admitted and wait-listed prospective PhD students. We are instead offering online, virtual opportunities for admitted and wait-listed students to meet with faculty and graduate students at our respective programs, aiming to provide prospective students as much information about our programs as we can while following the guidance of public health experts. (Details being arranged directly with each of our admitted and wait-listed students.)

With wishes of safety and good health to all,

Columbia Department of Philosophy
CUNY Graduate Center Department of Philosophy
NYU Department of Philosophy
Princeton Department of Philosophy
Rutgers Department of Philosophy
Yale Department of Philosophy

Readers are encouraged to continue to keep the philosophy community informed about how the coronavirus is affecting events they are (were) involved in at here, how their university or college is responding to the spread of the virus here, and read or provide suggestions on moving one’s in-person courses online, as some schools are requiring or recommending, here.

Readers may also be interested in a new guest post by philospher Alex Broadbent, “Thinking Rationally About Coronavirus COVID-19.”

(via Alex Guerrero)


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4 years ago

UC San Diego also cancelled visits.

4 years ago

Temple University also cancelled visits.

Nam Reta
Nam Reta
4 years ago

UNC-Chapel Hill also canceled their prospective student weekend.

Daniel Star
Daniel Star
4 years ago

Boston University has canceled their Open House events.

Tad Schmaltz
Tad Schmaltz
4 years ago

The Philosophy Department at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor has canceled its in-person Admissions Fair for its admitted and wait-listed students. However, we are working on a virtual alternative that will allow students to receive information about our graduate program and meet with faculty and graduate students. We will be in touch with our prospective students concerning the details.

Robin Jeshion
Robin Jeshion
4 years ago

USC has also cancelled its Open House. We will be offering virtual meetings with faculty and graduate students, and will soon be arranging these with our prospective students.

4 years ago

As of this afternoon, Pitt has also canceled its prospective student visit in the philosophy department. We haven’t received word about whether the History and Philosophy of Science (HPS) department will hold theirs.

David Wallace
Reply to  GradStu
4 years ago

Pitt HPS will also be cancelling.

4 years ago

MIT has also cancelled the prospective visits.

Will Starr
Will Starr
4 years ago

We’ve just cancelled our in-person prospectives visit here at Cornell, and will be shifting it to an online virtual visit.

Nick Huggett
Nick Huggett
4 years ago

University of Illinois at Chicago too.

4 years ago

Ohio State’s cancelled their grad student visits too

Danielle Wenner
Danielle Wenner
4 years ago

CMU is cancelling our in-person visit day and working to schedule zoom meetings, etc, with prospective students instead

Jeremy Pober
Jeremy Pober
4 years ago

UC Riverside has also decided to cancel in-person visits and replace them with virtual meetings.