
The latest group of philosophy-related links from the Heap…

  1. Wondering if the book by the dudes of the “Grievance Studies Hoax” team is any good? No? Are you wondering how bad it is? — then check out this enjoyable review of it by Oliver Traldi (Notre Dame)
  2. A paid two-year training fellowship run by the US gov’t for recent or imminent earners of graduate degrees has its short application window coming up — several philosophers have been through the program (via Shane Wilkins, who is happy to answer questions about the program at [email protected])
  3. Perceptual common knowledge: what is it? how is it possible? what does it imply about us and our world? — Axel Seelman (Bentley) in conversation with Robert Talisse (Vanderbilt)
  4. The skull of the tyrannosaurus rex raises some philosophical problems — Leonard Finkelman (Linfield) chews them over
  5. The professional climate in economics — the methodology and results of the American Economic Association’s survey of its membership (via MR)
  6. “The myth of the classless society allows the critics of university admissions to pretend that selective universities could somehow be less elitist but still just as elite” — Richard Ford (Stanford) on how the Harvard affirmative action ruling “misses the point”
  7. “In most sports where it is applied, video review has actually created more confusion and less clarity. Why is this the case?” — in an impressive piece of public philosophy, James Darcy (Virginia) introduces the readers of a sports site to the philosophical problems of vagueness (via Galen Barry)

Mini-Heap posts appear when 7 or so new items accumulate in the Heap of Links, the ever-growing collection of items from around the web that may be of interest to philosophers.

The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap. Thanks!


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