
The latest selection from the Daily Nous Heap of Links…

  1. Improving conversations about how to feed babies — a new public service website based on the research of philosopher Fiona Woollard (Southampton) and public health scholar Heather Trickey (Cardiff)
  2. “The art and science of knowing you don’t know” — Mark Alfano (Australian Catholic University) talks about intellectual virtues, machine learning algorithms, social media, Nietzsche, and more, on the On Wisdom podcast
  3. “The discussions got so loud and intense that the correctional officers came to check on us” — Chris Lauer (UH Hilo) is teaching philosophy to prisoners in the Kulani Correctional Facility
  4. “Navigating between populism and technocratic governance” in criminal justice reform — philosopher Seth Mayer (Manchester) looks at recent works in legal theory and sociology on punishment in democracies
  5. Philosophers and others on meritocracy in higher education — reflections from Anastasia Berg (Cambridge), Jason Brennan (Georgetown), Agnes Callard (Chicago), Jennifer Morton (City College), and others
  6. What makes fictions fiction? — an animated video explaining Kendall Walton’s (Michigan) ideas about make-believe
  7. “Paradoxically, to improve critical thinking… we need to abandon the idea that we can teach generic thinking skills and instead allow students to devote more time to learning ‘useless knowledge'” — Johann N. Neem (Western Washington) on the importance of substantive knowledge for critical thinking

Mini-Heap posts appear when 7 or so new items accumulate in the Heap of Links, the ever-growing collection of items from around the web that may be of interest to philosophers.

The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap. Thanks!


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