Online Philosophy Resources Weekly Update

Here’s the weekly report on new entries in online philosophical resources and new reviews of philosophy books.

Below is a list of recent updates, if there have been any, to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP), Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP), Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (NDPR), 1000-Word Philosophy, and Wireless Philosophy (Wi-Phi). There’s also a section listing recent reviews of philosophy books appearing in popular media.



  1. Denis Diderot, by Charles T. Wolfe and J.B. Shank (Minnesota).
  2. Darwin: From Origin of Species to Descent of Man, by Phillip Sloan (Notre Dame).
  3. Evolutionary Thought Before Darwin, by Phillip Sloan (Notre Dame).


  1. Biological Individuals, by Robert A. Wilson (Alberta) and Matthew Barker (Concordia).
  2. Teleological Arguments for God’s Existence, by Del Ratzsch (Calvin College) and Jeffrey Koperski (Saginaw Valley State).
  3. Cancer, by Anya Plutynski (Washington, St. Louis).
  4. Experiment in Physics, by Allan Franklin (Colorado) and Slobodan Perovic (Belgrade).
  5. Cosmology: Methodological Debates in the 1930s and 1940s, by George Gale (Missouri-Kansas City).
  6. Concepts, by Eric Margolis (British Columbia) and Stephen Laurence (Sheffield).


  1. The Arrow of Time, by Bradley H. Dowden (California State University-Sacramento).


  1. Alistair M. C. Isaac (Edinburgh) reviews The Experimental Side of Modeling (Minnesota) by Isabelle F. Peschard and Bas C. Van Fraassen (eds.).
  2. Jonathan Mitchell (Manchester) reviews Nietzsche on Consciousness and the Embodied Mind (De Gruyter) by Manuel Dries (ed.).
  3. Samuel Lebens (Haifa) reviews Jewish Philosophy in the Middle Ages: Science, Rationalism, and Religion (Oxford) by T.M. Rudavsky.
  4. Samantha Brennan (Guelph) reviews Perfect Me: Beauty as an Ethical Ideal (Princeton) by Heather Widdows.
  5. Stewart Goetz (Ursinus College) reviews Life’s Values: Pleasure, Happiness, Well-Being, and Meaning (Oxford) by Alan H. Goldman.
  6. Carl B. Sachs (Marymount) reviews The Ethics of Wilfrid Sellars (Routledge) by Jeremy Randel Koons.
  7. David R. Cerbone (West Virginia) reviews Heidegger on Technology (Routledge) by Aaron James Wendland, Christopher Merwin, and Christos Hadjioannou (eds.)

1000-Word Philosophy

  1. The Sleeping Beauty Problem by Daniel Peterson (Morehouse College/South Georgia State College).

Wireless Philosophy

Recent Philosophy Book Reviews in Non-Academic Media

  1. William Rees reviews What Happened in the 20th Century?: Toward a critique of extremist reason by Peter Sloterdijk, at the Times Literary Supplement.
  2. Juliana de Albuquerque reviews Rethinking Existentialism by Jonathan Webber, at the Times LIterary Supplement.

Compiled by Michael Glawson

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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