Winners of the 2019 Canadian Philosophical Association’s Book and Essay Prizes

The Canadian Philosophical Association (CPA) last week announced the winners of its 2019 book and essay prizes.

The book prize, offered every other year, was awarded to the authors of two books:

Four essay prizes were awarded:

  • Simona Vucu, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Toronto, won the Non-tenured Professor, Lecturer, Sessional Essay Prize for her “Causal Powers as Accidents: Thomas Aquinas’s View”
  • Tim Kenyon, vice president for research at Brock University, won the Tenured Professor Essay Prize for his “Peer idealization, internal examples, and the meta-philosophy of genius in the epistemology of disagreement”
  • Marie-Kerguelen Le Blevennec, a graduate student in philosophy at Boston University, won a Student Essay Prize for her “Les droits culturels comme droits individuels”
  • Robert Matyasi and Damian Melamedoff, graduate students at the University of Toronto, won a Student Essay Prize for their “Moore on the Unreality of Agent-Relative Value”

For more information, see the CPA website.

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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