Online Philosophy Resources Weekly Update

Here’s the weekly report on new entries in online philosophical resources and new reviews of philosophy books.

Below is a list of recent updates, if there have been any, to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP), Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP), Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (NDPR), 1000-Word Philosophy, and Wireless Philosophy (Wi-Phi). There’s also a section listing recent reviews of philosophy books appearing in popular media.



  1. Actualism and Possibilism in Ethics, by Travis Timmerman (Seton Hall) and Yishai Cohen (Southern Maine).


  1. The Natural Law Tradition in Ethics, by Mark Murphy (Georgetown).
  2. Linear Logic, by Roberto Di Cosmo (Inria) and Dale Miller (Inria).
  3. Dietrich of Freiberg, by Markus Führer (Augsburg).
  4. Metaphysics in Chinese Philosophy, by Franklin Perkins (Hawaii).
  5. Hilbert’s Program, by Richard Zach (Calgary).
  6. Phenomenological Approaches to Self-Consciousness, by Shaun Gallagher (Memphis) and Dan Zahavi (Copenhagen).
  7. Holes, by Roberto Casati and Achille Varzi (Columbia).
  8. Logical Constructions, by Bernard Linsky (Alberta).
  9. Church’s Type Theory, by Christoph Benzmüller (Berlin) and Peter Andrews.

IEP  ∅


  1. Adrian Blau (King’s College London) reviews Hobbes’s Kingdom of Light: A Study of the Foundations of Modern Political Philosophy (Chicago), by Devin Stauffer.
  2. Paul Égré (Institut Jean Nicod/ENS) reviews Lying and Insincerity, by Andreas Stokke.
  3. Mark Siderits (Seoul National University, Emeritus) reviews The Fifth Corner of Four: An Essay on Buddhist Metaphysics and the Catuṣkoṭi (Oxford), by Graham Priest.
  4. Preston Stovall (University of Hradec Králové) reviews From Rules to Meanings: New Essays on Inferentialism (Routledge), by Ondřej Bernan, Vojtĕch Kolman, and Ladislav Koreň (eds.).
  5. Marta Bertolaso (University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome) reviews Explaining Cancer: Finding Order in Disorder (Oxford), by Anya Plutynski.

1000-Word Philosophy

Wireless Philosophy

Recent Philosophy Book Reviews in Non-Academic Media

  1. Eric Bulson reviews Foucault in California, by Simeon Wade and Olaf Nicolai, and Historie de la Sexualité, by Michel Foucault, in the Times Literary Supplement.
  2. Matthew Simpson reviews Vices of the Mind, by Quassim Cassam, at the Times Literary Supplement.
  3. Rachel Fraser reviews Just Words, by Mary Kate McGowan at the Times Literary Supplement.
  4. Robert Simpson reviews Speak Freely, by Keith E. Whittington at the Times Literary Supplement.
  5. Johnny Lyons reviews Enlightenment Philosophy in a Nutshell, by Jane O’Grady at the Times Literary Supplement.

Compiled by Michael Glawson

The Hedgehog Review
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Luisa Aurora Viviana Rodal
Luisa Aurora Viviana Rodal
5 years ago

Thank you