Philosophers Win Guggenheim Fellowships

Four philosophers are among the newly named 2019 Guggenheim Fellows.

They are:

  • Agnes Callard (University of Chicago), to support the writing of a book that “will analyze contemporary intellectual culture—within philosophy; within academia more broadly; and extra academically, on social media—in the light of its Socratic origins”
  • Robert Pippin (University of Chicago) (Guggenheim page)
  • Henry Richardson (Georgetown University) to support work on a project that “will examine how the division of moral labor, which parcels out moral responsibilities among us, copes with the world’s injustices and profound moral disagreements while nonetheless shaping objective moral requirements. This project will flesh out a type of moral theory [called] “constructive ethical pragmatism,” honoring John Dewey’s insight that our ‘practical intelligence’ makes us capable of reframing our deepest commitments on the fly, on the basis of reasons that arise in the context of action.”
  • Miriam Solomon (Temple University) to support a projectEvidence and Values in the DSM 5.x, that “uses tools from recent philosophy of science, science studies, and social epistemology to make recommendations for how to improve the ongoing process of revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders of the American Psychiatric Association.”

There were 168 winners Guggenheim Fellowships this year, with nearly 3000 applicants. Award amounts vary, and are intended to provide 6-12 months of support. You can see the whole list of current winners here.

clockwise from top left: Agnes Callard, Robert Pippin, Miriam Solomon, and Henry Richardson

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