
A new Mini-Heap…

  1. You’ve heard of the Dark Triad? Psychologists have created a positive counterpart to it, the Light Triad, and one of its elements is Kantian ethics — a description, with links to the original paper and to a Light Triad test you can take
  2. “The result is an anti-‘Godot’: two and a half hours of non-stop talk, during which the Athenians bully Socrates… into shutting up or else” — The New Yorker, on actor-writer-filmmaker Tim Blake Nelson’s new play, “Socrates”
  3. An interview with “The Philosophical Investigator” — Todd Altschuler is the guest on Peter Limberg’s “Intellectual Explorers Club” podcast
  4. “To insist on calling transgender students (or faculty) by anything other than the name and pronouns they prefer is a gratuitous insult” — a suggestion from Les Green (Oxford) to those who do this: “grow up”
  5. Bringing “a needlepoint of detail to the ways in which different conceptions of both happiness and well-being are embodied in different traditions” — a special issue of the open-access Science, Religion and Culture features 16 articles on well-being in different cultures
  6. What kind of thing is race? — a discussion with Quayshawn Spencer (U. Penn)
  7. Is anxiety valuable? — Charlie Kurth (WMU) on “an unappreciated variety of anxiety”

Mini-Heap posts appear when 7 or so new items accumulate in the Heap of Links, the ever-growing collection of items from around the web that may be of interest to philosophers.

The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap. Thanks!


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