How Early Modern Philosophy Courses are Taught

A new project is underway to gather information about the teaching of courses in Early Modern philosophy.

Charles Goldhaber (University of Pittsburgh) is conducting a 5–10 minute survey on introductory Early Modern philosophy courses.  The survey is designed to collect data about how these courses are taught, as well as how current philosophers would like to see them be taught.

The survey can be taken by any philosophy graduate student, professor or teacher.  No specialization in Early Modern philosophy is presupposed.

Here is a link:

Provided there’s a sufficient response, the data will be shared at the 2019 AAPT-APA Teaching Hub‘s session on “New Approaches to the Early Modern Survey,” on Thursday, April 18th, at the upcoming Pacific Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association.  Feel free to contact Mr. Goldhaber ([email protected]) if you have any questions.

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