Despite Move, CEU Is Accepting Applications

Central European University (CEU), despite having been forced by threat of closure by the Hungarian legislature to move from Budapest to Vienna for the next academic year, is accepting applications.

Tim Crane, professor of philosophy at CEU, writes:

Daily Nous readers may have heard that the Hungarian government passed legislation in 2017 that made it in effect impossible for the CEU to continue functioning in Hungary. This law will come into force in January 2019. As a result, the CEU will be moving most of its operations to Vienna starting with the 2019-20 academic year. 

There has been a lot of confusion and misinformation in the press about this, with most of the misinformation coming from the Hungarian government. So I wonder if I could take advantage of the Daily Nous platform to inform philosophers that the CEU welcomes applications for the 2019-20 academic year, and that all new students will start their degrees in Vienna. Information about the application process can be found here

Best of luck to all of the CEU faculty, students, and staff with the move.


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