
The newest Mini-Heap is here. Happy reading!

  1. Three arguments for the thesis that sex is socially constructed — deconstructed by Alex Byrne (MIT)
  2. “A student at the local state university… was questioned by police after proposing a rally in support of the philosopher on his social networking page” — “the philosopher” is Kant; vandalism of the statue of him last week was owed to growing tensions over whether to name the local airport for him
  3. “Being a physicist gives a person a certain standing in conversations that have something to do with physics. So why shouldn’t being a woman give me a certain standing in conversations that have something to do with gender?” — Agnes Callard (Chicago) on “managerial standing” in conversations
  4. “Do we have the right to defend [possibly with violence] ourselves and others from government injustice when government agents are following an unjust law?” — yes we do, argues Jason Brennan (Georgetown)
  5. Central European University is moving from Budapest to Vienna — owing to the Hungarian government’s Hungarian government refusing to let it continue to offer U.S. degree programs
  6. A political philosophy experiment at an arts and sciences festival — conducted by Ingrid Robeyns’ Fair Limits Team
  7. “Our fervor for democratic politics bears seeds of democracy’s undoing” — a closer look at political polarization, from Scott Aikin and Robert Talisse (Vanderbilt)

Mini-Heap posts appear when about 7 new items accumulate in the Heap of Links, the ever-growing collection of items from around the web that may be of interest to philosophers.

The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap. Thanks!


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