Summer (2019) Programs in Philosophy for Undergraduates

There are a number of universities and organizations that host summer programs in philosophy for undergraduates. 

If you are affiliated with one, and would like it listed in this post, either email me a brief description and a link, or provide that information in the comments on this post, and I’ll add it.

  • Colorado Summer Seminar in PhilosophyThe Colorado Summer Seminar in Philosophy is intended for outstanding advanced undergraduates who are considering graduate school in philosophy. The aim is to introduce students to the atmosphere of a graduate-level seminar, giving them a chance to explore their philosophical abilities and interests before they commit to a graduate program. The topic for the 2019 Summer Seminar is “Freedom”. The seminar will cover a wide variety of topics in the history of philosophy, metaphysics and epistemology, and values.  It will be team taught by twelve or more faculty members. June 9 – 28, 2019.
  • Pittsburgh Summer Program 3: A Summer Program in Philosophy of Science for Underrepresented Groups.  The Summer Program will feature two daily graduate seminars about core issues and cutting-edge topics in general philosophy of science and philosophy of the special sciences (e.g., physics, biology, cognitive science and neuroscience, social sciences). The seminars and lectures will be given by internationally recognized faculty in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science and the Department of Philosophy at the University of Pittsburgh as well as in the Department of Philosophy at Carnegie Mellon University. July 15 – 19, 2019.
  • Summer Immersion Program in Philosophy at Brown UniversitySIPP@Brown is a two week residential program for undergraduate students who are interested in pursuing a graduate degree in philosophy and who are members of groups that traditionally have been underrepresented in the field. During the program, participants will attend two daily seminars: The Philosophy of Time, taught by Nina Emery, and Global Justice, taught by David Estlund. They will also participate in regular social and educational activities arranged by the Brown Department of Philosophy, and in the SIPP@Brown Conference. Participants can expect to leave the program with a better understanding of what graduate school in philosophy is like and how to prepare applications for both MA and PhD programs. SIPP@Brown provides food and lodging for students during the program and reimburses up to $500 of travel costs to and from Providence, RI. Students also receive a $500 stipend. July 21 – August 3, 2019.
  • Hamilton College Summer Program in Philosophy. The Hamilton College Summer Program in Philosophy (HCSPiP) brings together creative teachers and ambitious undergraduates for three concurrent two-week courses in philosophy. The three courses this summer, chosen for their promise of innovation and engagement, are:
    • “Aftermath and Backlash: Challenging Conversations about Race- and Gender-Based Violence,”  taught by Ann Cahill, Elon University
    • “Philosophical Methods of Socrates, Aquinas, and Confucius,” taught by Eric Yang, Santa Clara University
    • “Existentialism Lived,” taught by Daniel Collette, Marquette University

    All participants are provided with room and board while they are at Hamilton College and receive stipends from the Truax Fund in Philosophy. Evening and weekend activities include external speakers and a day trip to the Adirondacks. The program culminates, for faculty, in a conference on pedagogy at which the three instructors of the courses present their work. Student applications are now open and due on January 25. June 24 – July 5, 2019.

  • Rutgers Summer Institute for Diversity in Philosophy. Rutgers University will sponsor the 2019 Summer Institute for Diversity in Philosophy. This six day program is designed to introduce undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds to the various areas of specialization within the discipline of philosophy, give students a better idea of what graduate studies in philosophy is about, and explore various views about what it means to be a professional philosopher. Up to fifteen students will be given the opportunity to interact in formal and informal settings with a group of talented graduate students and distinguished faculty members from a number of universities. Accepting applications beginning January 2, 2019. July 21 – 26, 2019.
  • UCSD Summer Program for Women in Philosophy. The UCSD Summer Program for Women in Philosophy (SPWP) is a ten-day program for undergraduate women in philosophy hosted by the UC San Diego Philosophy Department, featuring philosophy seminar courses taught by visiting and UC San Diego faculty, along with a variety of workshops taught by faculty and graduate students, all geared towards providing an engaging philosophical learning experience and helpful preparation for applying to and succeeding at graduate school in philosophy and beyond. July 22 – August 2, 2019.
  • Philosophy in an Inclusive Key (PIKSI-Rock and PIKSI-Boston)PIKSI summer institutes are designed to encourage undergraduates from groups traditionally underrepresented in philosophy to consider future study of philosophy. Undergraduates and recent graduates are urged to apply; groups traditionally underrepresented in (anglophone) philosophy include women, LGBTQ and gender non-conforming people, people from economically disadvantaged communities, people with disabilities, and people of color or people racialized as nonwhite, including Chicano/a/xs and Latino/a/xs, Indigenous people, Pacific Islanders, people of African descent, and people of Asian descent. Transportation and lodging are provided. Stipends are awarded to all.
    • PIKSI-Rock. Rock Ethics Institute/Penn State. Director: Kris Sealey (Fairfield University). Theme: Philosophy and Public Life. Speakers: Myisha Cherry (University of California, Riverside), Axelle Karera (Wesleyan University), Esme Murdock (San Diego State University), Yannik Thiem (Villanova University). June 17 – 28, 2019.
    •  PIKSI-Boston. MIT/UMass Boston. Directors: Lisa Rivera (UMass Boston), Keota Fields (UMass Dartmouth), Mallory Weber (MIT), Marion Boulicault (MIT). Speakers: Arden Ali (Northeastern), Brandon Hogan (Howard), Abby Jacques (MIT), Céline Leboeuf (Florida International), Naomi Scheman (Minnesota). June 20 – 27, 2019.
  • Philosophical Lessons from and for the ‘Post-Truth Era’Radboud Summer School, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. This course investigates what it means to live in a ‘post-truth era’, in which emotional or ideological motivations are often considered more valid than objective criteria or facts. It is designed for students who are interested in philosophy as well as political science, sociology, history, or cultural studies; who are concerned about recent developments in politics, journalism, and education; and who wish to gain a better understanding of what truth can still mean in the 21st century. In the first, introductory, part of the course, we will critically engage with 1) the politics of developing post-truth claims, 2) the journalistic tools and strategies for covering such claims, and 3) the psychological mechanisms of the public to process them. In the second, main, part of the course, we will explore the philosophical dimension of the ‘post-truth phenomenon’. To this goal, we will consider three recent philosophical accounts of truth and truthfulness: 1) Harry Frankfurt’s notion of ‘bullshit’ as “a greater enemy of the truth than lies”; 2) Ernst Cassirer’s philosophy of ‘Enlightenment pluralism’; and 3) Martin Heidegger’s theory about the connection between truth, care, and authenticity. On this basis, we will try to formulate (a) response(s) to the problematic features of the ‘post-truth attitude’. For advanced undergraduates and graduate students. August 5-9, 2019.
  • COMPASS Workshop, University of Michigan. The COMPASS Workshop at Michigan is a workshop for students considering graduate school in philosophy. The workshop brings together students from a diversity of backgrounds for a weekend of philosophical discussion, networking and mentoring. The workshop takes place at the University of Michigan’s Department of Philosophy, in Ann Arbor. Advanced undergraduates and first and second year M.A. students who currently live in the US, Canada, or Mexico, regardless of country of citizenship, are eligible to apply. September 12-14, 2019.
  • Feminist Summer Reading School, Cornell University, New York. This yearly event was created in 2017 by four women philosophy students who wanted to establish a space to read and discuss philosophy together. Basic knowledge of philosophy is required, therefore, applicants should be undergraduates in their second-year or beyond, masters students, or PhD students. The topic and location of the Feminist Summer Reading School changes yearly – the past two years have seen “Philosophy of Science” (Kiel), and “Philosophy of Language” (Vienna). This year, we are being hosted by Cornell University in New York, and the topic is “Philosophy and Bodies”. Spanning from early understandings of mind-body relations to current ethical and political issues surrounding the body, topics will include disability, gender, weight/fatness, sex, confinement/imprisonment, race, and so on.  The summer school strives to create a collaborative and diverse environment that facilitates meaningful learning among students with varying philosophical strengths and life experiences. In addition to following a curriculum, we have invited several scholars to give workshops and lectures on a topic related to feminism and the body. Dr. Kate Manne is a confirmed speaker. We especially encourage students from underrepresented or marginalized groups to apply.  June 17-22, 2019.
  • Philosophy of Education Great Britain Summer School, University of Birmingham. This is an extraordinary opportunity for undergraduate students to learn more about the philosophy of education on a beautiful university campus located in the heart of England. The Summer School involves 3 days of lectures, seminar discussions, and social activities. No prior knowledge of philosophy of education is required. The event is free to attend and the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain will fund all meals and accommodation. Participants will be responsible for their own travel costs but a limited number of travel bursaries will be available for applicants who are able to demonstrate financial need. The theme will be “an aims based curriculum,” with exploration of the aims of education and implications for the curriculum. We are not yet ready to take applications, but at some point further information will be available at the website linked above. In the meanwhile, any enquiries can be sent to Jane GatleySeptember 2-4, 2019.

beach thinker

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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5 years ago

Here is a list of Summer Schools for Undergrads in Philosophy, too:

If you facilitate a summer school, please try to retain a permanent web address to link to. When a new web address is created each year, lists like mine are harder to maintain. Summer schools with a permanent web address are easier to publicise.