Philosopher Shirt Poll: Another Collaboration with Hirsute History

Two years ago Daily Nous polled readers to determine which philosophers should be added to the collection of portrait shirts designed by Jeremy Kalgreen at Hirsute History. We’re doing it again and once again are asking for your input.

You can see the winners from last time around—Kant and Leibniz—outlined in yellow in the sample of some of Jeremy’s philosopher portraits, below. The rest of his philosophy portraits can be found here (scroll down to the philosophy section).There are thirteen contenders this time around: Gottlob Frege, Elisabeth of Bohemia, Edmund Husserl, David Hume, Hypatia, William James, John Stuart Mill, Mozi, Martha Nussbaum, Derek Parfit, Charles Sanders Peirce, Henry Sidgwick, and Simone Weil. In case you can’t recall what they look like, here are images of them (note that these specific images may not be the basis for the portraits):

Readers can vote for up to three of them in the poll, below, which will remain open for about a week. Jeremy will create portraits and shirts of the winner and runner-up.

And check this out: three poll participants will be selected at random to receive a free shirt from Jeremy.*

*If you’d like to be entered into the drawing for a free shirt, once you’ve send your name to [email protected]. The poll will remain open for one week.

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5 years ago

Voted based on the Bruce’s Philosophers song.