
Philosofriends, here’s the latest edition of Mini-Heap.

Mini-Heap posts appear when about 10 new items accumulate in the Heap of Links, the ever-growing collection of items from around the web that may be of interest to philosophers.

The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap.

  1. Black Mirror & Philosophy: The Syllabus — as if philosophy itself weren’t disturbing enough!
  2. The costs and benefits of philosophical argumentation — Stephanie Kapusta (Dalhousie) is inteviewed on the discursive norms of obligation, trans* issues, feminist philosophy, and more
  3. “We would rather secretly believe we are special than confront the real consequences of the paradox” — ruminations on Fermi’s Paradox from astrophysicist Milan Ćirković (University of Novi Sad)
  4. Do Parfit’s “Harmless Torturers” hang out on social media? — Paul Bloom and Matthew Jordan think so
  5. “The accused harasser is on the program” — the American Society for Aesthetics has new discrimination and harassment policies but some have raised concerns about its upcoming meeting
  6. What is it to be fit? — Self Magazine interviews philosophers Samantha Brennan (Guelph) and Tracy Isaacs (Western)
  7. Are universities trying to do too much? — a professor and an administrator agree on the answer: yes
  8. “Academic philosophers are slow to accept outsiders as thinking with the depth and rigor that they expect from their peers” — Tommie Shelby (Harvard) on the philosophical thought of Martin Luther King, Jr.
  9. Enraged by idiots? — maybe they’re not idiots
  10. “I’m really very proud to be following on in the footsteps of people like Peirce and James and Dewey, even” — Simon Blackburn (Cambridge) talks about truth
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