
Mini-Heap time!

In the sidebar on the left is the Heap of Links (also here)—an ever-growing collection of material found around the web that may be of interest to philosophers (and others interested in philosophy). Mini-Heap posts appear when about 10 new items accumulate in the Heap.

(The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap.)

  1. Women thinkers in antiquity and the middle ages — a 10-lecture series by Peter Adamson (KCL/LMU) on YouTube
  2. Of all the possible titles for a guide to the poisonous plants of Virginia, they chose “The Socrates Project” — further evidence that philosophy is in, right?
  3. What is meat? — if you’re interested in philosophy of language, philosophy of science, ethics, and food, dig in
  4. How evidence, theory, models, simulations, probability, and values factor into climate science — Eric Winsberg (USF) in conversation with Carrie Figdor (Iowa)
  5. “Love and envy thrive in the same conditions of similarity and equality… Is that as bad as it sounds?” — it depends on the kind of envy, argues Sara Protasi (Puget Sound)
  6. To credibly and responsibly call Russia on its electoral interferences, we need to establish multilateral norms for such interference in general, and to do that, we need to be honest about what the US itself has done — Jack Goldsmith (Harvard) discusses some “uncomfortable questions”
  7. “If we’re not careful, we will be living in an entirely synthetic age,” and we will have lost something very valuable: “the world outside our control” — an interview with Christopher Preston (Montana-Missoula)
  8. Wonder Cupboard is a new philosophy and history of science podcast aimed at non-specialists — the latest episode asks: “why does science work?”
  9. A philosophical project on powerlessness aims to change the care of terminally ill patients — Béatrice Han-Pile (Essex) is interviewed about the work she has done with healthcare professionals
  10. “We feel shame when something happens to make us feel like we’re no longer ourselves” — Krista K. Thomason (Swarthmore) on how shame is about our identities
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6 years ago

I really liked the essay on whether transwomen (and men) are to women (and men) like adoptive parents are to parents – though, I think there are some issues that were pointed out in the comments, as well as some other minor issues in the article.

Preston Stovall
6 years ago

Here’s a New York Times piece arguing that the First Amendment is being used by conservatives to support a conservative agenda, and detailing the rising trend on the left to reject free speech because “free speech disproportionately protects the powerful and the status quo”:

Preston Stovall
Reply to  Preston Stovall
6 years ago

And here’s a rejoinder at Quillette written by Larry Sanger, PhD in philosophy (Ohio State) and co-founder of wikipedia: