
Once again, here are 10 recent items from the Heap of Links, DN’s collection of materials from around the web that may be of interest to philosophers (and others interested in philosophy).

(The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap.)

  1. “Transwomen are to women as adoptive parents are to parents” — is this a useful analogy? Sophie Grace Chappell (Open U.) thinks so.
  2. Interviews with over 20 philosophers who each do some form of public philosophy — at Engaged Philosophy
  3. “Most of all, we feel like a bad joke… like impostors…. Why, from the top of a nasty gender hierarchy, should we feel so risible?” — “What Is It Like To Be A Man?” by Philip Christman (Michigan)
  4. “Psychology research by philosophers is robust and replicates better than other areas of psychology” — a nice write-up of recent work, posted about here in May, on reproducibility in experimental philosophy
  5. Martha Nussbaum discusses emotions, politics, philosophy, feminism and more — in an interview at Moment
  6. Four factors that explain how “Aristotelian metaphysics can be scientifically defensible” — from Tim Crane (CEU)
  7. Want to help transcribe letters by David Lewis on a variety of philosophical topics? — Manchester’s David Lewis Project is looking to “crowdcraft” some work
  8. When philosopher Joel Kupperman (now emeritus at U Conn) was a kid, he was “the most famous prodigy in America” — his childhood is now the subject of a graphic novel by his son, Michael Kupperman (via Benjamin McKean)
  9. “Is the concept of being ‘philosophically interesting’ something other than a fancy way of re-stating one’s personal intellectual tastes?” — one of several questions Ethan Mills (University of Tennessee, Chattanooga) asks at his blog, “Examined Worlds”
  10. “The very atmosphere in which we move and breathe deprives us of the perception we need to recognize our predicament” — reflections from Rochelle Gurstein on what we lose when we lose our privacy
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