
Here’s the latest Mini-Heap: 10 recent items of interest to philosophers (and others interested in philosophy) from the Daily Nous Heap of Links

(The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap.)

  1. Part of the practical value of philosophy, say, for businesses, is that it fosters “perceptive thinking” — the “the art of… getting inside what something is, of assessing the web of relations that constitute a thing.”
  2. “Plato’s Lair” is an immersive installation by Peter Hanmer — and winner of the 2017 Gillian Dickinson North East Young Sculptor competition
  3. The phrase “necessary and sufficient” is often misused by scientists — and the result is sloppy neuroscience
  4. The “Ask-A-Philosopher” table — a wonderful example of public philosophy
  5. “Access to the general public, granted by institutions like television networks, newspapers, magazines, and university lectures, is a finite resource” — What is the just way to apportion that resource? Bryan Van Norden on the right to an audience
  6. Philosopher Olufemi O. Taiwo (Georgetown) is also a musician — do yourself a favor and check this out
  7. There’s no reason to believe in homeopathic medicine — yet might there be a reason to allow NHS doctors to prescribe it? John Worrall (LSE) considers the question
  8. Utilitarians try to ruin the World Cup — or perhaps this is a reductio of utilitarianism?
  9. The reversal of the Flynn effect — what explains it?
  10. Favorite philosophy article titles — add yours
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Colin McGinn
Colin McGinn
6 years ago

In public philosophy we could usefully contribute by discussing the ethics of lying. I recently coined the term “Deceptocracy” to describe our present form of government. George Stephanopoulos introduced me to the word “Kakistocracy”, meaning “government by the worst people”. So we live in a Kakistocratic Deceptocracy.