
Here is the latest edition of Mini-Heap: 10 recent items of interest to philosophers (and others interested in philosophy) from the Daily Nous Heap of Links.

(The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap.)

  1. “Peterson offers no effective antidote to the problem of the toxic masculine despair he reinforces and dignifies, having misrepresented it as a general and hence presumably equal opportunity crisis of Being.” — Kate Manne (Cornell) reviews Jordan Peterson’s “12 Rules”
  2. “A complete 100-percent-provable guarantee” that self-driving cars won’t crash into trees, traffic, etc. — based on a problem posed in 1900 by David Hilbert called “sum of squares”
  3. “People often say that philosophy has a lot to offer, and I think it’s true. But it has a lot to offer only if it’s participating alongside other people who have a lot to offer; listening as much as talking” — an interview with Julian Baggini at Epoché
  4. A single page of Marx’s draft of Capital sells for over $500,000 — buyer rumored to be Fulvia Morgana
  5. The beginnings of a movement to stop relying on student evaluations of teaching — and replace them with peer observation and more holistic teaching evaluation systems
  6. “It’s pretty embarrassing to our profession that students can read, say, 500 or even 1,000 pages of material and come away thinking that the first time a woman had anything to say of any importance in philosophy was in 1970” — an interview with Andrew Janiak (Duke)
  7. Philosophy journal data analyzed, with attention to differences between information from author surveys and the journals themselves — by Jonathan Weisberg (Toronto)
  8. “That which escapes the sciences lies at the heart of the humanities, and the reverse is also true… they’re not rivals” — OUP’s Peter Ohlin interviews NYU’s Richard Foley on the subject of academic research
  9. “One of the norms governing ordinary conversation is that to disagree too much is to be disagreeable” — but what if “disagree” was pretty much your job description (ahem, philosophers)? Jonny Thakkar’s paean to pains in the arse
  10. How can A be convicted of murdering B when B was killed not by A but by C, and C’s killing of B was found to be justified, i.e., not a murder? — Zachary Hoskins on an unjust prosecution and sentencing
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