Kit Fine & Stephen Yablo Win 2018 Lebowitz Prize

Kit Fine, Silver Professor of Philosophy and Mathematics at New York University, and Stephen Yablo, David W. Skinner Professor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, have won the 2018 Dr. Martin R. Lebowitz and Eve Lewellis Lebowitz Prize, awarded jointly by the American Philosophical Association (APA) and the Phi Beta Kappa Society.

Kit Fine and Stephen Yablo

The prize is awarded to a pair of philosophers who hold differing views on a topic of current interest and importance in philosophy. Each winner will receive $29,000 and deliver a lecture in a joint symposium at an upcoming meeting of the APA.

Professors Fine and Yablo work in logic, philosophy of language, and metaphysics. The topic of their Lebowitz Symposium, according to a press release from the APA, will be “What is Meaning?”

The Lebowitz Prize was created in 2012. Its past winners have been:

  • 2017: Nancy Cartwright and Elliott Sober, “Is there such a thing as the scientific method?”
  • 2016: Ernest Sosa and Stephen Stich, “Intuition in Philosophical Methodology”
  • 2015: Alvin Goldman and Jennifer Lackey, “Social Epistemology”
  • 2014: Jonathan Schaffer and Jessica Wilson, “The Role of Grounding in Metaphysics”
  • 2013: Anita Silvers and Eva Feder Kittay, “Expanding Justice, Including Disability”
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