
Greetings. Here’s the latest Mini-Heap—our occasional collection of 10 recent items from the Daily Nous Heap of Links.

(The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap.)

  1. Why philosophy still matters — a call-in discussion with Terence Cuneo (UVM) and Kenny Walden (Dartmouth) on Vermont Public Radio.
  2. “The question should not be how to exorcize even the hint of erotic ambiguity from the academic workplace, but rather how to allow our classrooms to remain safe spaces amid such ambiguities” — a pair of Yale professors break the taboo on discussing the “erotic dimension of mentorship”
  3. “One white reader said that his only regret was that he didn’t call me the N-word to my face and then beat me until I was half dead” — George Yancy (Emory) is interviewed about the reaction to his NYT column on racism and the book that grew out of it
  4. Repairing the culture of argument — Robert Talisse and Scott Aikin (Vanderbilt) on what it takes
  5. “Epistemic considerations matter for the legitimacy of democratic decisions” — Fabienne Peter (Warwick) interviewed on epistemic democracy and more
  6. Zeno: “Looking for someone willing to meet me halfway” — dating profiles of antiquity’s most eligible authors
  7. How close are we to real-life Westworld-style robots? — philosopher Jeff Sebo (NYU) and a variety of others take up the question at Vulture
  8. The logic of time travel in the movies — this fun video—-with film clips, helpful diagrams, and clear explanations—-was created with the help of philosophers Sara Bernstein (Notre Dame) and Ryan Wasserman (Western Washington)
  9. “Lesser minds turned [postmodernism] into a crass attack on any claims to possess knowledge or truth” — but in Jean-François Lyotard’s hands, it was “an often insightful analysis of the changing nature of the ownership and production of knowledge,” says Julian Baggini
  10. “Plato in L.A.: Contemporary Artists’ Visions,” a new exhibit at the Getty Villa, opened last week — “every artist featured has made an effort to connect to and intellectually engage with Plato’s philosophy,” says Getty director Timothy Potts
Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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