
Here’s the latest Mini-Heap—a collection of 10 recent items from the Daily Nous Heap of Links, our regularly updated list of material from around the web that philosophers may want to check out.

(The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap.)

  1. “JJ Redick’s first slide posed the following to his teammates: ‘Are we living in base reality?'” — The 76ers discuss the simulation argument. Really (whatever that means). (via Seth Mayer)
  2. Philosophical reflections on photography in the age of Instagram — there is #nofilter on Daniel Star (Boston University)
  3. Student evaluations (on Rate My Professor) suggest a bias in favor of “hot” professors and a bias against “difficult” ones — but no significant gender bias
  4. U. Wisconsin Stevens Point has the second-highest philosophy enrollment numbers in the Wisconsin System (Madison has just 4 more students) — but they still might eliminate the philosophy program there
  5. Philosophy students from Western Michigan University travel to Alaskan villages and towns — to help people with their taxes
  6. The movie “Lou Andreas-Salomé, The Audacity to be Free” will debut in the US this week — “She initially sets out to form a “trinity” with Friedrich Nietzsche and Paul Rée… but, not surprisingly, the plan goes south because both philosophers want to marry her.”
  7. Is this the first ever conference on ethics in mathematics? — it’s sponsored by the Cambridge University Ethics in Mathematics Society, which helps mathematicians “understand that their work, output, insight and labour can be used not only for good, but also for bad” (via James Franklin)
  8. “Man Fears He May Never Trust Again After Treasured Picture Of Duck Turns Out To Be Rabbit” — “How was I such a fool?” (via Bob Kirkman)
  9. On Wittgenstein’s views about science, language, mind, and more — an interview with Bill Child (Oxford)
  10. A philosophy instructor at Boston College gives her students extra credit for going on dates — a film about Kerry Cronin’s “Dating Project” is airing at theaters nationwide tonight (April 17) only
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Joseph Rachiele
6 years ago

Re: 3: I’m not sure how much weight to accord the authors’ evidence that evaluations aren’t biased against women, given that I haven’t seen anyone check whether Simpson’s Paradox effects result from dividing the instructors into subgroups based on discipline or class size.