
Here’s the occasional  collection of 10 recent items from the Daily Nous Heap of Links, our regularly updated list of material from around the web that philosophers may want to check out—AKA Mini-Heap.

(The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap.)

  1. Some knowledge is embodied, and some embodied knowledge encodes social norms. What does that imply for changing problematic norms? — Madeline Eller (Georgetown) explores the topic
  2. “Loss aversion proponents have over-interpreted [Kahneman & Tversky’s] findings…. Studies have been systematically misrepresented to reflect loss aversion, though they did not find it” — via @DegenRolf, who comments: “loss aversion, the first law of behavioral economics, enters psychology’s reproducibility crisis”
  3. When it comes to mental illness, both the “rescue” mindset and the “blame” mindset are problematic — better is “Responsibility Without Blame,” argues Hanna Pickard (Birmingham)
  4. What do we get when we combine utilitarianism and strong AI? — an even stronger repugnant conclusion, argues Alexander Pruss (Baylor)
  5. Two philosophers get fit, “the feminist way” — Samantha Brennan (Guelph) talks about the book she and Tracy Isaacs (Western) wrote, in The Globe and Mail
  6. Should we even be trying to get in touch with aliens? That and other ethical and linguistic issues in astrobiology — Kelly Smith (Clemson) discusses this with others on NPR’s Science Friday
  7. “To a student who has never encountered a discipline before, the professor teaching the introductory course is the discipline… If the professor is dull, the student will think the same of the discipline” — why the best teachers should teach intro
  8. A new play that explores the ethical and personal ramifications of brain-altering technologies will debut next month — it’s written by philosopher Karola Kreitmair (Stanford)
  9. Why are so many graduate students depressed? — some speculations in response to a recent study showing 40% of grad students suffer from some form of depression
  10. Could philosophical debate aid prisoner rehabilitation? — Kirstine Szifris (Manchester Metropolitan) on her experiences teaching philosophy to prisoners
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