Philosophers Among Latest Round of NEH Grant Winners (updated)

The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) recently announced $18.6 million in grants for 199 humanities projects. A number of philosophers are among the recipients.

They are:

  • José Bermúdez (Texas A & M)
    “The Power of Frames: Rethinking Models of Rational Decision-Making”
    Project Description: Research and writing leading to publication of a book on philosophical models of decision-making
    $6,000 (Summer Stipends)
  • Zena Hitz (St. John’s College)
    “Intellectual Life: What It Is and Why It Matters”
    Project Description: Completion of a book on the importance of intellectual life, addressing historical and contemporary examples of social withdrawal, contemplation, and scientific reflection
    $6,000 (Summer Stipends)
  • Jesse Kirkpatrick (George Mason University)
    “Coming Home: Dialogues on the Moral, Psychological, and Spiritual Impacts of War”
    Project Description: A study and discussion program for veteran and active-duty military students and others on the moral, spiritual, and psychological impact of war, to be held at George Mason University
    $100,000 (Dialogues on the Experience of War)
  • Jennifer Kling (Siena Heights University)
    “Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE): Creating a New Minor/Certificate Program”
    Project Description: The creation of an interdisciplinary program in philosophy, politics, and economics
    $34,997 (Humanities Connections Planning Grants)
  • Irene Liu (Le Moyne College)
    “Ethics, Values, and Professional Life”
    Project Description: The development of a new interdisciplinary minor focusing on ethics, values, and professional life.
    $100,000 (Humanities Connections Implementation Grants)
  • Eric Mandelbaum (CUNY Graduate Center and Baruch College)
    “Propaganda and Belief in the Modern World”
    Project Description: Three scholarly articles and a book-length study on the psychology of belief formation.
    $50,400 (Fellowships)

The entire list of grant winners can be found here.

(If I missed a philosopher on the list, please let me know and I will update this post. Thanks.)

(Note: the original version of this post neglected to mention Eric Mandelbaum’s grant. My apologies. The post has now been corrected.)


Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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