Philosophers Among Latest Round of NEH Grant Winners (updated)

The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) recently announced $18.6 million in grants for 199 humanities projects. A number of philosophers are among the recipients.

They are:

  • José Bermúdez (Texas A & M)
    “The Power of Frames: Rethinking Models of Rational Decision-Making”
    Project Description: Research and writing leading to publication of a book on philosophical models of decision-making
    $6,000 (Summer Stipends)
  • Zena Hitz (St. John’s College)
    “Intellectual Life: What It Is and Why It Matters”
    Project Description: Completion of a book on the importance of intellectual life, addressing historical and contemporary examples of social withdrawal, contemplation, and scientific reflection
    $6,000 (Summer Stipends)
  • Jesse Kirkpatrick (George Mason University)
    “Coming Home: Dialogues on the Moral, Psychological, and Spiritual Impacts of War”
    Project Description: A study and discussion program for veteran and active-duty military students and others on the moral, spiritual, and psychological impact of war, to be held at George Mason University
    $100,000 (Dialogues on the Experience of War)
  • Jennifer Kling (Siena Heights University)
    “Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE): Creating a New Minor/Certificate Program”
    Project Description: The creation of an interdisciplinary program in philosophy, politics, and economics
    $34,997 (Humanities Connections Planning Grants)
  • Irene Liu (Le Moyne College)
    “Ethics, Values, and Professional Life”
    Project Description: The development of a new interdisciplinary minor focusing on ethics, values, and professional life.
    $100,000 (Humanities Connections Implementation Grants)
  • Eric Mandelbaum (CUNY Graduate Center and Baruch College)
    “Propaganda and Belief in the Modern World”
    Project Description: Three scholarly articles and a book-length study on the psychology of belief formation.
    $50,400 (Fellowships)

The entire list of grant winners can be found here.

(If I missed a philosopher on the list, please let me know and I will update this post. Thanks.)

(Note: the original version of this post neglected to mention Eric Mandelbaum’s grant. My apologies. The post has now been corrected.)


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