
Greetings. Once again, here’s the latest edition of Mini-Heap—10 recent items from the Daily Nous Heap of Links, our regularly updated list of material from around the web that philosophers may want to check out.

(The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap.)

  1. “I feel the weight of these huge questions. And I know I can’t get the answers to them, and I find that oppressive” — a profile of philosophy popularizer Bryan Magee
  2. “We can all know that we have rights without having to check our genes” — Jeff Sebo (NYU) on chimps, persons, and rights (NYT)
  3. Frog and Toad in philosophy — noted at JSTOR Daily
  4. Philosophers on politics in the Trump era — Charles Taylor, Michael Sandel, Harry Frankfurt, and Joseph Heath on CBC Radio (via Dirk Felleman)
  5. “As an academic, she devoted much of her career to social-justice activism and the philosophy of race and disability…” If she reneged on any claims she had made about… his capacity to give consent, she would be admitting… that she had become a vector of white, able-bodied supremacy — that that she was the boogeyman she had sworn to fight.
  6. Descartes may have had “exploding head syndrome” — which may be the condition with the greatest gap between how alarming it sounds and what it actually is
  7. Prosblogion, the group philosophy of religion blog, has ceased operations — Helen de Cruz (Oxford Brookes) eulogizes the site and discusses the future of online philosophical conversation
  8. “Undercounting the undocumented might introduce bias into our public policy” — Michael Blake (Washington) on the possible citizenship question on the 2020 census
  9. The relatively unknown works of 18th century French philosopher Andre-Pierre Le Guay de Prémontval have finally been translated and published in English — Lloyd Strickland (Manchester Metropolitan), who translated the works, calls Prémontval’s work “original and often provocative”
  10. “There’s much on the counter-insurgency battlefield not fully covered by the law…philosophy provided arguments to support the law and navigate issues not covered by it.” — a former army intelligence officer explains how philosophy can help soldiers cope in complex war zones
Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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6 years ago

There appears to be an incomplete URL in the first link. Here is the correct link: