
Once again, here’s the latest edition of Mini-Heap—10 recent items from the Daily Nous Heap of Links, our regularly updated list of material from around the web that philosophers may want to check out.

(The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap.)

  1. “The secret to happiness may be unhappiness” — a neuroscientist looks at what unhappiness does to the brain
  2. “The victims of the toxic idea that Americans with dark skin are biologically destined to be, on average, intellectually inferior to Americans of light skin are not the white men who have promoted it but the black Americans who have endured it.” — on the “courage” of those who complain about political correctness
  3. The aesthetics of tattoos — a new series by Roy T. Cook (Minnesota)
  4. Julia Kristeva alleged to have been an agent of the State Security and Intelligence Services of the Bulgarian National Army — now emeritus at the University of Paris Diderot-Paris 7, she was recruited in 1971 and went by the alias “Sabina”
  5. “Looking at Jeremy Bentham’s auto-icon I pondered why we are so scared of what is both natural and indeed necessary, if life is to continue” — Massimo Pigliucci (CUNY) visits Bentham during his stay at the Met-Breuer
  6. “This exposure compromises our privacy, to be sure, but it also compromises our freedom” — Philip Pettit (Princeton/ANU) on social media (updated)
  7. Concrete suggestions for increasing diversity in philosophy journals sought — at this link and at an upcoming Pacific APA session
  8. The endless process of error detection and error correction — it’s just good intellectual hygiene
  9. The life and ideas of Andy Clark (Edinburgh) — a lengthy profile in The New Yorker by Larissa MacFarquhar
  10. A look at the PGR’s board — does its composition help explain the rankings?
The Hedgehog Review
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